OK, promissed you a step by step of my LO in progress, so here it is:

Labels: create, OLW, petje, step by step
OK, promissed you a step by step of my LO in progress, so here it is:
Labels: create, OLW, petje, step by step
I got my issue of Creatief met Foto's February today, which means that I can show some of the things I made for the December issue.
Labels: cmf, LO in progress
Visually Inspired was the title of one of Ali Edwards blog entries a little while ago. "A happy little collection of images that are inspiring me right now." she said. I thought that was fun and decided to make an inspiring collage like that for myself. Thought I'd share it with you, who knows maybe you get inspired by it too!
The pain in my chest has gone, I've got a new camera and gorgeous supplies to work with for some assignments so things are good again!!!
Still no camera, still no pictures back. Looks like my harddisk is gone forever.
Labels: sneak peeks, tietze
Aaarrgggg!!! The year is not starting really well for me. First my camera broke down, now my external hard disk crashed.... with all my photographs from before 2007 on it. The computer store called yesterday that they don't think they can get things back..... pfffff, can you imagine how I feel??? Please keep your fingers crossed that they find a way after all!!
I hope you all had a good go into the new year! Mine was not the way I planned or hoped it would be! I was sick, spend 5 of the 7 vacation days in bed (yep, also new years eve)! The last two days I refused to spend in bed, wanted to see at least SOMETHING of Zeeland, but looking back it would have been wiser if I just stayed under the blankets because I had a fever until last wednesday! Pffff, I can't remember when I last felt so misserable. But it's going better now, looking forward to start scrapping again!! Haven't done anything in the last 2 weeks!