I hope you all had a good go into the new year! Mine was not the way I planned or hoped it would be! I was sick, spend 5 of the 7 vacation days in bed (yep, also new years eve)! The last two days I refused to spend in bed, wanted to see at least SOMETHING of Zeeland, but looking back it would have been wiser if I just stayed under the blankets because I had a fever until last wednesday! Pffff, I can't remember when I last felt so misserable. But it's going better now, looking forward to start scrapping again!! Haven't done anything in the last 2 weeks!
Unfortunatly my camera really died, have to send it away for reparement. My BIL gave me his camera to take on vacation so the one afternoon I actually got to go to the beach I could at least take some pictures. This one is my favourite of Anne wearing her new cap which I think really suites her!
I've been playing around with it a little and would love to hear which one you like best!
The first one is the original.

Anne took this picture of Erik and me. We are on the Beach, listening to "Hier aan de kust" van Blof on Erik's I-pod.
Can you tell it was cold? :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Great to see you back! I have a cold at the moment, feeling pretty bla, but anyway... Looks like you had a good time nevertheless and that's important :)
Hugs, Sandra
12:52 PM
o you also had big mr. Flu over?that sucks huh? hope you do a lot better now! love those pics. love the orginal and also your work with it. 4 is my fav'
1:02 PM
awesome photos- looks like oyu had a gorgeous time regardless the terrible flu!
1:13 PM
i like number 4 too!
1:39 PM
Looks like a great time!Too bad about your camera dear!I LOVE the 4th one and picture with the 4 colors!Can you tell what you did?
3:33 PM
Great pictures, I love the orignal most, she's beautiful!
Good to hear you're feeling better now!
5:22 AM
Hé, goed dat je er weer bent. heb je gemist. Persoonlijk vind ik het origineel het mooiste, past het beste bij m'n karakter, beetje terughoudend. Maar ik weet zeker dat jij met elke foto een fantastische layout maken kunt.
5:45 AM
Jammer dat je de hele vakantie ziek geweest bent Birgit! Maar gelukkig begin je weer een beetje op te knappen!
Leuke foto's heb je gemaakt! Vind het origineel al errug mooi, maar ook nummer 3 en 4. Succes ermee!
11:15 AM
Love your pictures. My favorite is number 3, love black and white.
Love, es
12:49 PM
Glad that you're back and hopefully the flu will stay away. Nice shots you made. I like the first one, a natural and beautiful girl.
7:13 AM
Oooh wat vervelend dat je zo lang ziek bent geweest Birgit!!! Ik hoop dat nu alles goed is en je je een stuk beter voelt!!!! Ik vind trouwens foto nummer 4 echt gaaf geworden!!!
8:54 AM
Welcome back Birgit. I really missed you messages. I like picture nr 3 the most, followed by nr 4.
10:06 AM
Prachtige foto's! En de kou straalt er vanaf :-)
Nummer 4 is mijn favoriet!!!
12:04 PM
Love the pics! I like the black and white one of Anne most, and the 'Andy Warhol' kind of picture (4 colors). Wishing you good scrapping!
2:18 AM
Too bad you've been sick for that long... but I'm glad you're feeling better now! Hope 2008 will bring you lots of joy and health!
Oh and I like photo number 1 most!:)
7:25 AM
Glad to read that you feel a little better!
11:18 AM
great photos Birgit. I like photo #6 best, but they are all great! Happy New Year!
11:16 PM
oops, I mean picture #4. silly me, there wasn't a picture with the #6 on it!
11:18 PM
i love all pictures!! ;) good to hear you're feeling better now!!
2:33 AM
Anne is such a beautiful girl. She looks a lot like you, don't you think?
Lovely beach pics.
Love, Isolde
4:28 AM
So good to see you back!! And so sorry to hear you've been sick your whole vacation!
Love all the photos, looks really cool the editing you did!!
7:45 AM
Love that last picture!!!! Hope you are feeling better again :D xoxo eef
3:54 AM
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