I'm 40!
Today is my 40th birthday but it will be quite a normal day since we already celebrated Erik's and my 40th last saturday. We had such a wonderful party surrounded by family and friends! We got terribly spoiled, we had nice conversations, laughs and lots of fun and the food was fantastic, just everything was really good!
This picture was taken by Anita, can you tell we're enjoying ourselfs? (and don't I have a handsome 40 years young husband?!) :)

Anyway, today my parents and sister will come over for a cup of coffee and cake and this morning my kids sang for me and gave me some really sweet, self picked presents, which are always the best!
But the fun is not over yet! My hubby is taking me to Amsterdam on second X-mas day for 2 days and we'll be spending the night in the Kransapolsky Hotel on the Dam. How freaking cool is that?! I promiss I will take pictures'! I wonder if the taps are made of gold there, hehe :) So looking forward to it!
Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!
Ohh!!! Wooh!!! Happy Birthday to you!!! Enjoy your extra special day and have fun in Amsterdam!!
1:22 AM
Happy Birthday wishes from Austria!!! And I hope you'll enjoy Amsterdam very much!
many greetings,
Anita Marx
1:23 AM
Happy B-day! And what a wonderful gift to get two days alone with DH in such a great hotel, have fun!
1:30 AM
happy birthday!!!
1:31 AM
Happy Birthday Birgit!! Wish you all the best. :))
Beautiful pic, you both look so great!
1:44 AM
Happy birtday to you!! And a really cool present you got from your DH!
Have fun. Astrid
2:02 AM
Happy Birthday Birgit! Enjoy your day!
2:03 AM
happy birthday sweets!! And ofcourse you 2 look cool, and the plans for x-mas my o my that will be fun!!
2:34 AM
Happy birthday Birgit. What a great gift to spend time together in Amsterdam.
2:43 AM
Happy happy birthday Birgit! You two look very happy! :) What a great present!!!
2:45 AM
Waw, you are spoiled!!! Can't wait to see the pics of the hotel.
Happy Birthday again.
Lvoe, Isolde
2:48 AM
, happy birthday, birgit!! enjoy YOUR day!! hugs, hugs!!
3:57 AM
Van harte gefeliciteerd!
Wat een leuk vooruitzicht!
Hotel Krasnaposlky is super leuk. Helaas moet ik je melden dat ze geen gouden kranen hebben hoop niet dat dit je uitje verpest :-)
4:14 AM
love, es
5:34 AM
Van harte gefeliciteerd Birgit!!!!
Wat een gaaf cadeau zeg! Wat zul je een leuke kerst hebben! Fijn dat jullie samen een leuke verjaardag hebben gehad afgelopen zaterdag.
Groetjes Anette
7:17 AM
Happy 40th Birthday!!!
Hope you had a good day.
Nice picture of you and DH!
10:12 AM
Happy Birthday to you, girl. Have a wonderful evening!
11:09 AM
Happy Birthday to you!enjoy your special day!!
11:39 AM
Proficiat Birgit! Geniet nog even van je avond en van de herinneringen van het afgelopen weekend!
12:50 PM
Ok....for you, your birthday is over, but here....it's still Tuesday so.........happy birthday girl!!! Nice to read you had a great party! (do we get to see photos??)
Love this photo of you and you dh!! And what a great present, have lots of fun!
4:19 PM
Happy belated birthday!!! :) Seems like you had a fantastic party and yesterday, sure, was cool, too! *gg* You two look very young, I might say *g*
10:02 PM
A bit late but Happy 40th Birthday!
12:51 AM
Happy belated birthday to you Birgit!!!!! The pictures is nice! Hope you enjoyed your day :-)
3:48 AM
Ik ben een beetje laar maar alsnog van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag, was een geweldig feest zo te lezen;)
groetjes, Carla
2:01 AM
I'm so late...Happy birthday to you Birgit!:-)
5:33 AM
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