Although there was a nasty cold wind yesterday afternoon and I was still not feeling very well we went out for a little walk to get some fresh air. Marlijn took her "twins", how cute is that?! She's a real doll mommy, which makes me a granny, LOL! The other day she talked to my mom and called her "overoma" (great granny). My mom didn't understand why she said that untill she realized that Marlijn had her doll with her... She takes her role very serious, hehehe!
Yesterday evening I did Nancy's X-mas card workshop. I changed a few little things because I didn't have all the right supplies and this is what came out! So much fun, it only takes 10 minutes to make a card, so if you haven´t got time to actually scrap you still can create something!
Yeah... I know.... my opinion on cards is changing :) Thanks again Nancy, for the inspiration!

Oh, BTW... did you see this? Interesting huh?!
Have a lovely day!
Woooww.. girl.. you're fast!!!!!! WOOHOO! Love your card so much!! Awesome!!!!!!! Thank you so much for playing along!!! (and thank YOU too for the inspiration over and over again!) Enjoy the rest of your day!! XOXO
12:31 AM
Love the card - Nancy rocks those cards!
Such a cute little mommy - that is so much fun!
12:49 AM
the Buzz ........ expecting great things!!!!
1:25 AM
Your daughter is proud to be a mommy, you can see that. Love your card and Nancy inspired me too to create more cards.
1:53 AM
she's a cutie with her dolls!! :))
cards!! yes!! and again, christmas will happen this year again so suddenly for me again!! but i love nancy's cards too!!
have a good one!!
2:26 AM
Ooo, die foto, wat een schatje met haar twee poppen!!
Je kaartje is super geworden, helemaal top!
En The Buzz......kan niet wachten tot ik er meer over hoor!!
6:24 AM
Wow, Birgit, great card!
Made me curious about the Buzz...
Your DD looks so cute as a mommy!!
Gr Jeanet
7:54 AM
I *love* your card Birgit!!!
And your girl looks like a great mom!!!
The buzz: I'm curious!
9:27 AM
Wow... love your card Birgit! And Marlijn is such a cute mommy! :D
11:30 AM
Oh je kaart is mooi geworden zeg...
12:02 PM
Mooi kaartje, ben benieuwd wanneer jij ook van die kleine workshops gaat geven.
Ik heb trouwens nog nooit eerder een tweelingkinderwagen gezien. Leuk!
2:12 PM
wow.....way to rock nancy's challenge. You are on it dog gone it!!! and....hey just love your blog and style!!!!!!
6:34 PM
Loooove the card!
8:14 AM
My youngest one is a real doll mommy too while my eldest girl doesn't really care about dolls. Well....Barbie dolls are fun to play with. :-)
I love your take on Nancy's challenge. You did a great job!
And pleasssssse....tell us more about The Buzz.
2:08 PM
Leuk die kaart! Voel ineens dat mijn handen gaan jeuken. The Buzz??? Ik ben echt niet nieuwsgierig! ;)
Marlijn ziet er echt uit als een trotse poppenmoeder. Leuk he, die leeftijd?!
5:35 AM
Beautiful Card, Awesome!
5:52 PM
What a lovely card you've made Birgit!! I used to make all the Christmas cards myself, but since I more cards! But these.. are so much fun!
4:15 PM
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