I'm on vacation.... and I'm in bed sick! :(
When I woke up yesterday morning I felt horrible, My head felt like it was going to explode, my jaws hurt including all my teeth and my throath felt like sandpaper. Yet we had to pack the car and drive to Zeeland for our holliday.... during the ride it got worse and worse and I was glad when I could get into my bed when we arrived. I was in bed all day today and really hope to feel a little better tomorrow!
Anyway, this is what we've been up to in the last couple of days:
- we celebrated Christmas Eve at my sisters house with my family, she made a delicious italian buffet and there where presents for everybody under the Christmas tree. Unfortunatly my camera died and Marlijn was sick (yep, just like last year) but thanks to some medication she also had a wonderful Christmas Eve after all.
- on Christmas morning I finally could open the gifts my Secret Santa send me and I loved all of it. Gorgeous 12x12 velt with white dots (Creative Café), buttons, brads, pins and a lot of felt and chipboard shapes. Thanks so much Charlotte!!
- Christmas day we spend at my BIL and SIL, Marlijn was still not feeling well, we had a nice quiet day with Erik's family.
-On Boxing day Erik and I went to Amsterdam while the kids stayed with their grandparents in Wijchen.
We had a great time together, had lunch at the Three Sisters (Rembrandtplein) walked through Amsterdam, sat in the lounge of the hotel with a drink and a magazine, (wanted to see a movie in the Tuschinsky theater but all movies were sold out :( ), had a wonderful Christmas diner in De Port van Cleve, went shopping in the Kalverstraat and the Bijenkorf, (so fun to discover Marlijns face between the magazines at the Bijenkorf!) had lunch at De Beiaard (Het Spui) and returned to Wijchen on Thursday evening. Fun, fun, fun!!!
Because my camera broke down (I'm afraid it's really bad and can't be repared.. :( ) I had to use hubbies little camera in Amsterdam but at least we have some pictures so here a collage:

I'll leave you with some pictures of the handmade item I made for my Secret Santa Sister, so Andrea if you read this... now you finally know who your Secret Santa is :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great weekend! Hope to update about our vacation soon (borrowed my BILS camera, luckely he could do without it for a week, unlike me!!) so I hope to make some nice pictures in beautiful Zeeland as soon as I feel better!!
oh, so sorry for you!! thanks for sharing some pics!! get well soon. wishing you a wonderful 2008!!
2:20 PM
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3:06 PM
Poor Birgit, get well soon! I hope you will feel better at the end of this year (which will be very soon) (-:. Wishing you a healty and creative new year!
3:08 PM
Ooooh... hope you feel much better tomorrow girl! And I'm glad you liked your pressies! It's all Creative Café! :) I thought: when I love the colors, Birgit has to love them also... ;)
4:42 PM
he balen dat je ziek bent en dat ook nog een je camera stuk is...tijd voor een mooie nieuwe :)
veel plezier nog!
10:56 PM
so sorry to hear you are sick! Hope you are feeling better very soon! Wishing you a happy new Year!
4:10 AM
I hope you feel better soon, Birgit!!
Have a wonderful 2008!
Love, Isolde
7:33 AM
Wat ontzettend vervelend dat je net ziek bent in jullie vakantie. Hopelijk voel je je snel weer beter en kun je nog lekker genieten van het mooie Zeeland (en elkaar).
Veel beterschap gewenst en alvast een heel gelukkig nieuwjaar.
Groetjes Anette
2:10 PM
Get better soon!!! And a very happy new year. Lots of love, es
1:48 AM
Da's nou ook wat.....ziek zijn tijdens de vakantie. Hopelijk kun je nog een paar dagen genieten van het mooie Zeeland. En dan ook nog je camera kapot!
Fijne jaarwisseling.
Groeten van Alice en familie
5:15 AM
Oh, wat balen dat je ziek bent op vakantie! Hoop dat je je snel weer wat beter voelt en kunt gaan genieten!
Wens je alvast een fijne jaarwisseling en een spetterend 2008!
6:21 AM
Ik hoop dat je je inmiddels wat beter voelt! En net nu jullie op vakantie zijn....
Wauw, ik wou dat ik zo'n "secret Santa" had, wat een gaaf boekje!
In ieder geval voor vanavond heel veel plezier en natuurlijk de allerbeste wensen voor een gezond, gelukkig en creatief 2008!!!!
6:54 AM
Oh, hope you feel better soon!
Love your Secret Santa gift.
Happy New Year!
7:15 AM
Sorry to hear this, but hope you're feeling better at the moment. Wonderful handmade item you did for Andrea, love the green, b/w colorcombo. Nice pics of your trip and good luck shopping for a new camera.
2:15 PM
Hope you feel better soon!
Happy new year to you and your family!!
2:27 AM
Birgit, this mini álbum is so beautiful!! i loved it!!
2:55 PM
Are you better today!!!! i hope so!!!!!!!!! Happy New Year Birgit!!!!
7:36 PM
Awe thats horrible,we are sick too :( Hope you will have a nice holiday anyways...xxx
4:21 AM
Hey you, get well soon!
Hope the new year started better for you. Love the pics.
7:13 AM
So sorry to hear you were sick, I hope you feel better now?
Wish you all the best in 2008 and I love the Secret Santa book you've made, gorgeous colors!
4:11 PM
Close your eyes and imagine..... you are living in a suburb of Oslo, Norway. You are in a hurry´cause you have to catch the subway. On your way you just take a tiny little minute to buy the January edition of ScrapBook Inspiration. When you minutes later fall down on a seat and open your brand new magazine you read about this fab scrapper from Holland!
Well... all this happened to me this morning!
All of a sudden I was reading the article about you and your super fantastic scraps! It made my day!!
I LOVED the page "I said NO", the way you scrapped it and the gorgeous catchlights in your daughters eyes!
BTW, Happy New Year
11:49 AM
ik hoop dat je je inmiddels weer wat beter voelt en dat je cameraprobleem opgelost is. Super leuk boekje!
2:26 AM
Just catching up on Blogs a little *lol* ... so - better late than not at all - wanted to let you know again here how much I LOVE this little Pocket-Book you made for me :) Already working on filling it!!!
3:23 AM
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