The pain in my chest has gone, I've got a new camera and gorgeous supplies to work with for some assignments so things are good again!!!
Wednesday my new 400D arrived and I'm very pleased with it. Have been playing around a little and found some nice options my 300D didn't have.
Wish I could have gone out a little to make some pictures but the weather has been really bad. Hopefully it will be better this weekend!!
I will be demonstrating at the Knallende Kars Dagen end of february and the manufacturer they've asked me to work with is Prima. How cool is that?? I sooo love the Prima products and you won't believe all the gorgeous supplies Kars have send me! I feel like a child in a candy store and can't hardly choose which products to start with. I have all the patterend paper, loads of flowers in all sizes and colors, paintables, notebooks, ribbon and more... I already made 3 LO's and an altered object and my head is still full of inspiration. Can't show anything yet but I can share some sneak peeks (thanks to my new camera :)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
I know what I'll be doing ;)
Congratulations with your new camera. Hopefully there is more to discover....we'll see the results :).
Have a nice weekend.
11:02 AM
oooh you and your flowers I know you are having fun ! Sounds good that kars have/are getting prima, can't wait to see it all !
11:22 AM
Congrats on your new camera, I also love my 400d. And the sneaks look great, you are perfect for Prima! :)
1:24 PM
Congrats on your new camera! I´m very satisfied with mine and can garante you, you will be too!
Your scrapping looks fabulous!! When I see your work my hands starts itching and I do soooooo regret that I sold all my stuff when I converted to digi scrapping.
Have a great weekend Birgit !
3:01 PM
It looks WONDERFUL Girl!
And you know what..
this morning I woke up and found an ST advertisement mail ..
Scrolled down to find a pic of one of the covers.. with a VERY familiar face on it!!!
That's like.. beyond awesome!! CONGRATS!!!
12:58 AM
Veel plezier met je nieuwe camera, deze sneaks zijn er in ieder geval mooi mee vastgelegd. Zijn de knallende Karsdagen ook voor publiek toegankelijk of alleen voor winkeliers?
4:42 AM
Veel plezier met je nieuwe camera! Ik heb inmiddels al een oudje de 350 maar ben er nog super blij mee hoor :-)
6:37 AM
Allemaal goed nieuws, fijn! Geniet ervan. Ik ben heel benieuwd wat voor prachtigs er weer uit jouw handen komt!
10:33 AM
Veel plezier met je nieuwe camera Birgit!!
En je sneaks zien er super uit!!
11:27 AM
ik heb zelf ook de 400D (mijn 300D had ook de geest gegeven :-( en ik ben er zelf ook heel tevreden over dus veel plezier ermee!
Wat de sneakpeeks betreft: ziet er helemaal jammie uit en ben natuurlijk benieuwd naar meer.
Kan je zeggen welk papier dat is met die lettertjes op de laatste foto of mag dat nog niet?
11:07 PM
Your sneaks look great. I am sure the whole Layouts are wonderful.
12:30 AM
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