Aaarrgggg!!! The year is not starting really well for me. First my camera broke down, now my external hard disk crashed.... with all my photographs from before 2007 on it. The computer store called yesterday that they don't think they can get things back..... pfffff, can you imagine how I feel??? Please keep your fingers crossed that they find a way after all!!
So... not much to show right now except this LO I made for the latest issue of Scrap!
It was for an article about candy inspiration and I made the picture of the gum balls to use as my inspiration. The Picture of Marlijn with her Knuffel was taken by Anita Mundt.

WOW! I love it Birgit, love the colors and the design. Simply gorgeous!
1:21 PM
What a GORGEOUS layout, Birgit. Love it!
Oh....and too bad your external disk broke down. That is a real nightmare.
1:44 PM
I Love the LO and saw it in scrap :D Sorry to hear about your camera and harddisk :( xoxo
3:15 PM
Oh!!! Really I love this page!!!! Simply Lovely!!!! Congrats, behhh, you ALWAYS DO beautiful things!!! hehehe Kisses!
3:45 PM
Prachtig werk!
Dank voor je lieve reactie op mijn blogje.
Dat steunt me erg!
Je hebt geen idee hoe fijn ik het vond je te ontmoeten bij Marja.
Lots of scrap-fun,
11:35 PM
vreselijk van je foto's, maar mocht het de winkel niet lukken ga dan even naar daans man die kan echt wonderen verrichten, serieus!
12:18 AM
OMG ... your year starts of really bad. Hope the stars will turn real quick for you.
Still, your work is GREAT!
12:52 AM
Oh no... such bad news about your photo's... :( I really hope they can fix it so that you can make a backup of your pics.
Your layout is AWESOME!!! I really love the bright colors and the picture and the Hambly... well, guess I love it all! ;)
1:43 AM
omg- i know how you feel... i hope they can fix it !
your layout is beautiful !
2:31 AM
Good luck with your computer.
Just love your new LO. Think I gonna scraplift this one. Love, es
2:58 AM
That's bad luck Birgit! Sorry to read that you've lost your photos....
Great layout!
5:12 AM
Ow man,i feel soooo sorry for you!Thats really terrible!I still hope they can fix it.Loved your layout!
5:53 AM
Ooooh, I hope they can it, this is a nightmare!! Keeping my fingers crossed.
And the layout is gorgeous, the buttons are great!
6:39 AM
love the picture of the candy, but you know me...i LOVE the sweets! I am going to have to copy that adorable LO with the buttons since I have a ton of them! Okay, I forgot I could tag YOU! So I am tagging you now!
8:36 AM
O i so hope you get the pics back girl. drama! and totally loved your layout in the mag!
1:03 PM
Wat een gave lo Birgit!! Super joh! Die foto is ook zoooo lief!!
6:36 AM
OMG!!!! Amazing Layout! Love the colors!!!!!!!!!!
12:45 PM
OMG you poor thing!! That would be devastating!!
I LOVE your LO and the one's below too. Sorry I haven't visited in a while!!
8:43 PM
Balen van je externe harddisk. Hoop dat het toch nog lukt om de foto's te redden. Heb zelf goede ervaringen met PCX Computers in Assen!
Mooie layout!
12:06 PM
Wow, this is a great layout, love the colorburst and the simplicity of it!!
Did you here something from the store?? Hope the managed to find some photos back....
4:39 PM
That is the most gorgeous Layuout I've seen in a while... and I look at stuff all the time!!
5:00 PM
Ow meid, ik leef met je mee wat je foto´s betreft en hoop echt dat er een manier is om ze weer op te vissen.
Je layout is iig prachtig, heerlijke kleuren en wat een lieve foto!
10:01 AM
Oowww.. so sorry to hear about your external disk! Never thought that could happen too... The worse nightmare!!!! I really hope they'll be able to recover some of the pics!
And your layout is AWESOME! So bright and fun!!!
Have a great week!!
11:00 PM
OMG! This layout is fantastic, so colorfull! Great idea with gum balls inspiration! Sorry to hear about your trouble with harddisc, take care! Hugs from Poland!
3:01 AM
Amazing layout, saw it already in Scrap! Hope your photos have be saved. BTW I signed in for the Buzz-weekend and really look forward to this.
4:02 AM
Great colors Birgit! Awesome how you make the link to candy! I read the artikel in Scrap! So much fun and it makes you look different to all day things! Thanx!
1:11 PM
Birgit, this lo is just fabulous! And those sneak peek up there are yumy!!! :)
3:55 AM
So great LO!It's amazing, colors design...WOW WOW!
3:39 AM
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