My parents are camping in Upleward at the German north coast, about 140km from here. Last weekend we visited them. We arrived friday evening just before the World Cup game The Netherlands-Ivory Coast (?) started. Luckely my parents have a t.v. in there caravan, otherwise Erik wouldn't have gone on friday heehee :)
Saturday we went to Greetsiel a lovely little fishermen town. We hired a family bike, rode around the town having lots of fun and ate delicious ice cream.

On sunday my sister with her husband and kids came to visit us and we went "sliklopen". I have no idea how to translate this in english but it's walking through the mire when the water is low.
It stinks and it's slithery but it's really fun! At some places you sink into it to your knees.
It took the kids only a minute before they completely dived in to it! Can you blame them? Being allowed to get as dirty as possible, how much more fun can a kid have???!!!

Luckely there was a "slik station" at the campingplace where we could wash ourselfs (with cold water, brrrr...) and then take a (hot) shower. We had to take a shower twice to get rid of the smell, but we had a great time!
great pictures birgit and I just love the last picture!
3:26 AM
The bike looks like so much giggles and ice cream is always good ! Fun photo's I'm sure you'll have fun scrapping those. sliklopen yuck yuck yuck, and it still looks like fun haha. I agree with Anita, where are the photo's of you ????
6:06 AM
brrr, just the thought of that slimy mud!!!! Great pictures though and I bet you had a lot of fun!!!
6:23 AM
Mudwalking, how fun! The photos are super. But I can't help myself and join in the refrain: where are the photos of you and your hubby covered in mud?
8:27 AM
Well, you girls know how it goes... when you're a scrapbooker your most probably the one that's BEHIND the camera, right? For this one time I didn't mind that much, heehee, getting my feet dirty was more than enough!
9:34 AM
Gosh! those are fantastic pics!!!!!
11:41 AM
Hi Birgit,
It's me again. Please feel free to add the link to your blog.
Take care,
11:48 AM
i guess in English it would just be playing in the mud - looks like a massive amount of fun! My kids would just love to do something like that. Great pics!
4:53 PM
Looks like real fun especially for the kids! Us adults have to step over a border to appriciate it LOL!
The pictures are really nice, good scrapmaterial. And I also like the bike, really great with the whole family.
Astrid (Assie70)
5:04 AM
Wow, awesome pics!! Love that sliklopen, but guess it smells too much LOL.!! Beautiful kids you have Birgit!!
2:40 PM
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