Pictures of Paris
Finally I found the time to upload some pictures of our trip!
We've been to Paris and had the most wonderful time. We went to a camping place between Paris and Disneyland somewhere in a small village. We arrived on saturday and on sunday we bought Paris Visité Cards for the first three days. You have free acces in the RER, Metro and bus in whole Paris. We saw all the famous touristic attractions, had a picknick in the gardens of the Louvre, sat on the stairs of the Sacre Coeur, stood under the Eiffeltower, walked through the Monmartre and the Place du Tetre, went to see the little Hotel we staid in during our honeymoon 13 years ago, did some shopping at the Forum Les Halles and of course walked down the Champs Élysees to the Arc de Triomph.
Now we where there we wanted to have a drink on the Champs Élysees so we sat down outside a restaurant and ordered 5 drinks, 2 coke, 1 ice tea, 1 apple juice and 1 beer. Of course we knew we would have to pay more then the avarage on this spot but had no idea how much. When I saw the bill I started laughing out loud... 36 euro's!!!! That's right, 36! But heey, on the Champs Élysees, right?!
The fourth day we went to Disneyland and even though I think Disneyland is great it's just to bad that the waiting times are soooo long. I think we came on a good day, only half of the parking places where filled but still we had to wait an avarage 40 minutes for everything. Can you imagine standing in line for the little elephants with your 3,5 year old daugther for more then half an hour and then when you finally are in there it's over in 2 minutes.... of course she started crying when we had to get out... We only could do about 9 or 10 attractions in this whole day. But we did have a great time! I loved "Peter Pan" and "It's a small world" and I took Anne and Lennart to "Honey, I shrunck the audience". It's such a fun 3D movie! I'd seen it before but the kids didn't. They loved it! Especially the end where the big dog sneezes into the audience and you feel the water dropps in your face.
The last 2 days it was hot and we staid at the campingplace at the swimmingpool, just relaxing. And when we came back home saturday evening we felt like we'de been on summer holiday!
And now I've got some pictures to share:

Of course there are much, much more... this is just a small impression.
The first LO I made about this trip is not one that makes you think about Paris straigth away.
"Vet cool man" is the dutch way of a 10 year old boy to say that something is awesome. And that's exactly what Lennart said when he saw this radio control aeroplane in a French supermarket.
He bought it with his own money and has the time of his life with it!
Journaling sais:
* One Leclerc supermarket
* 26 euro from your saving account
* One awesome radio control aeroplane
* Vacationfun to never forget

So much for now! TFL!
wow, Birgit, prachtige foto's, kan me voorstellen dat je het zomervakantiegevoel had!!!
Ben nog nooit in Parijs geweest, maar staat absoluut om mn verlanglijstje
5:41 AM
loving all your gorgeous photo;s!!
can;t wait to see you will create with these! and I do sleep.... a lot! remember when I start I am just fast!
9:53 AM
City of Lights
city so bright
city of might
city of pure delight
Yep, you've guessed it, I love Paris. I go every year or so, just for a long weekend. From what I gather, you guys a real good time. Love the pics; can't wait to see what you create.
As for The Da Vinci Code, I do recommend it. It makes for fun and easy holiday reading. My only advice is don't take it too seriously; enjoy it for what it is, a nice thriller.
Take care,
P.S. If you want to use the rhyming verse above for a layout, please feel free.
12:11 PM
oh wow that sounds like a fun vacation, great photo's, really like the first lo you made of it. Yes unfortunately most of the waiting times are long but I just loooooove disney (and so did Michael) and can't wait to go again next year. grts, D@nielle
ps. thanks for posting again ;-)
2:48 PM
Oh WOW..... beautiful photos!!!
Looks like you had a great time girl.
Love the layout too!
9:38 PM
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