Thanks for all your get well wishes, they helped :)
Luckely I'm feeling better today so here a quick update.
First of all a little impression fo the workshop last weekend.
We had such beautiful wheather that it was almost a shame we had to sit inside. Of course we took our lunch outside to enjoy the warm sun!

There where 2 great groups of women and we had a lot of fun!
Also I had to catch up a lot for her space: my space.
If you're curious what I did with the prompts of the last few days visit my photoblog!
That's it for now! I'm of to bed, try to get some sleep!
Glad you're feeling better!!!
2:14 PM
looks like lots of fun!!!!
3:04 PM
Good to hear you are feeling better! I've also been sick while I was in Holland. No fun :-( Glad to see you have a new banner! And the pictures of the workshop look great!!!
8:18 PM
De workshop was weer erg leuk!! ben nog druk bezig om hem af te maken. Heb weer veel leuke ideeen gekregen. Bedankt voor de gezellige dag.
groetjes patricia
9:47 PM
Good to hear you are feeling better!Pictures looks like fun!
10:44 PM
good you are feeling better- the workshops look awesome!
12:06 AM
Gelukkig voel je je weer iest beter. De foto's van de workshop zien er erg leuk uit.
2:12 AM
Glad that you feel better!
Nice pics of the workshop,it was great meeting you irl and I really enjoyed your workshop, my first, but certainely not my last,so when is the next? ;)I'm busy finishing the book, would love to see the finished books of all the girls.
Thanks for the great day Birgit!
4:35 AM
looks like you had a blast with that workshop!! and LOVE your photoblog girl, you make such beautiful pictures!!
11:52 AM
Great you feel better! Tried to leave a comment on your photoblog with my blogspot-account but have a lot of trouble with mine... I wanted to say: Wow, such eye for detail! Love em!
1:52 PM
Ziet er uit als een geweldig geslaagd weekend. Kan ook niet anders met zo'n "juf!" Blij dat je weer beter bent en ik hoop snel weer te komen croppen.
11:20 AM
this looks loke lots of fun!! good to read you are feeling better!! :)
2:32 AM
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