Not a very long post ... just some snapshots of things I did today.Started with a crop this morning, nothing I can show though....
Bought new boots for Marlijn since she told me (when we were doing grocceries this afternoon) that she couldn't walk so fast because her toes where folded in her old ones... oooopsss :)
Marlijn and I finally decorated the easter tree. We're very late with that this year, don't know why, just doesn't feel like it's almost Easter.. the eggs are all painted by Anne and Lennart years ago, love those bright colors!

Went to the skating place were all the kids hang out nowadays. Straigth after school Lennart is going there to meet all his class mates and have a lot of fun. Thought I'd make some cool pictures for him!

And I did the picture for her space:my space. Todays word was candle.
love that first shot of Lennart!! And that little lady looks lovely with her new boots ;-)
11:19 AM
Great boots, great tree and a very great skater ;-)
1:06 PM
I was late too with the easter tree,don't know why,my son and me decorated it today.Great,very cool shots of Lennart! And great boots for Marlijn!Love those boots,they don't even look like boots anymore nowadays!
1:20 PM
Wonderful pics Birgit... I wish I could take photo's like that ;)
2:41 PM
it's so nice nice to share pieces of your own life with us!
The boots are top!And i like your photos so much!
3:16 PM
Those boots are great! Love your pics. :)
1:06 AM
okay: i have those boots too, my son is also a skater and i have white candles at my frontdoor!! have a nice day!!
1:16 AM
GREAT pics .... don't you love what Canon does for you (as long as you use it right :-)??
2:14 AM
Those boots are made for walking!!So cute :) And love the tough pictures from your boy!
3:50 AM
Hai Birgit,
Ik ben even op je log aan het rondsurfen op zoek naar een lay out van jou die we met ons scrappersclubje gaan liften (wist je dat eigenlijk al?) en ik zie zoveel geweldige dingen! Dat ik jouw log nog niet eerder heb ontdekt! Wow, wat maak jij prachtige dingen zeg!
Erg leuk om te lezen en te bekijken allemaal.
Als ik klaar ben met mijn lift van jouw lo, mail ik je het resultaat wel...
Groetjes en ik zal nog wel vaker even langskomen!
12:19 PM
Your new header looks great!
And I love Marlijn´s boots. It seems that all little girls like those boots (Gummistiefel - I don´t know the right word in English).
11:14 PM
nice to see another easter tree, my dh thought i was mad!!!
9:52 AM
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