Monday, April 09, 2007

A new challenge!

Last night, on our way home from a lovely and sunny day at the campingplace with the whole family, we had to stop at a gasstation where I made this picture:

The view made me dream about summer vacation. Not that we go on vacation by plane... (since we have kids we go camping, take our caravan to France or Italy and have the best times of our live)
but it's easy to imagine... people on those planes going to exotic places, to meet other cultures, eat different food, see gorgeous landscapes... and make great memories!
And isn't that the most important? That you make great memories? Whether you spend your vacation all the way down in Australia or you drive only 30miles and have a wonderful time at the campingplace where you go every year is not important at all. It's the things that make your vacation special, the things that are worth to remember, that count!

And that brings me to my next challenge for you!
Make a layout about your most precious vacation memory! and I don't mean a layout with pictures of a beautiful landscape and journaling saying: "this was the best vacation we ever had!" I want to know WHY this was a vacation you'll never forget. What or who made it special? I want touching, funny, sweet or strange stories!

So you'll understand that the journaling is quite important. To join the contest you can do your journaling in dutch, german or english or you'll have to ad a translation if you use any other language.
The rest is up to you, size, techniques, number of photo's, what ever you like!
You have to send your LO before saturday, april 21, midnight (dutch time) to
Please ad your journaling to the e-mail for easier reading.

The winner will get a nice RAK and of course the LO will be shown on my blog :)
Hope you all feel inspired by this challenge and join in!

Can't wait to see all your beautiful work!



Blogger Je@net said...

Leuke uitdaging Birgit!
Moet es ff zoeken tussen m'n oude vakantiefoto's.....heb volgens mij nog een heel geschikte liggen!!

6:13 AM

Blogger Nathalie Kalbach said...

Beautiful photo! Great idea for a challenge!

6:57 AM

Blogger Christiane said...

wonderful pic!! and the challenge sounds great!! :)

6:59 AM

Blogger Brigitta said...

super challenge, you can count me in this time!!!

7:11 AM

Blogger Bex said...

Fantastic photo - and a great challenge!

Thanks - I will try to get something done in time (well actually I will get something done in time but to what standard I am not sure!!)

Love n Hugs
Bex xx

7:22 AM

Blogger sollie said...

Sounds great. I think I'll take part at the challenge. Many nice memories but still looking for the most important one.

8:02 AM

Blogger Lilian Schneider said...

What a great photo Birgit. The lines in the air look are forming the shape of a star!

9:54 AM

Blogger Irma said...

what a coinsidence this is that I just did my 1st mini album of my favorite vacation to Mexico--extra special bc this was our 1st trip as a family.

2:17 PM

Blogger Michelle said...

WOW! That's an amazing photo!!!

3:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice challenge again Birgit. Hope I can join it this time. The pic is awesome.

2:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful challenge!! Count me in :-)

2:56 AM

Blogger Janine Langer said...

Awesome pic, love skies like this. :) And great challenge, too!

5:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't believe all the catching up i had to do! I so enjoy your photo's and layouts! Such a fun idea to work on 6x6 for Corinne's workshop... Thank you so much for the RAK you sent me, i completely LOVE it!!! I hope to find the time to do your new cool challenge!

5:20 AM


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