I'm a photographer!

I'm a photographer, I don't pretend to be a good one but I love to take pictures. Long before I started scrapbooking I made pictures and because I take so many (almost 4500 in the last 9 months, wich I know because I have a digital rebel since march) some of them turn out really nice. I love my pictures, cherish them. Loosing them would be a tradgedie to me.
And not only the pictures I make now, but also the pictures that were taken a long, long time ago. Pictures of my ancestors, my grandparents, my parents as they were little children. I love watching them, wondering what they were doing, thinking, how their life was back then... were they happy, what kind of dreams did they have, were they creative, did they love pictures too, what did they do on an average sunday morning, what kind of job did they have?
Most of these questions and many more will never be answered because my ancestors didn't scrapbook nor did they write. To try and answer these kind of questions not only for my children but for my grand- and great grandchildren too, I scrapbook.
Some time ago I made this LO about photographs.
The poem I found at 2Peas sais it all