Thursday, November 17, 2005

A little sunshine on a rainy day...

Oh, how I hate rainy days, especially when it's cold and windy too! These last few days were terrible. Yesterday, when I went to pick up Marlijn from the babysitters we were surprised by a hail storm.

Within a few seconds we were cold and wet and our hands and faces were hurting. I wanted to shelter but Marlijn started crying: "I want to go home, mommy", so I took her in my arms and ran home as fast as I could. Days like this make me wanna stay in my pyjamas for the whole day!
It's a good thing I still have so many lovely summer pictures and lots of bright and happy paper waiting to be scrapped. These pictures remind me of the lovely, warm and sunny summer vacation we had.

They make me go back in time a little and re-live the joy of being in beautiful France with my family!

For me, scrapping them is like a little sunshine on a rainy day...


Blogger Sophie P. Waquet said...

i agree with Anita, i love to be scraping at home when it's cold and raining outside! when the sun is shining i feel guilty not to go outside...
your last LO's are so beautiful, congratulation Birgit!

8:34 AM

Blogger Mary Jo said...

Wow what beautiful layouts! Now I'm going to have to go check out your 2p's gallery :)

1:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful layouts, I love how you used the paper!
stacey panassidi

6:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome layouts girl! I didn't know you had a blog...

4:28 AM

Anonymous Kira said...

It's wonderful that you have those happy memories to look back on.

11:07 PM


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