Back to routine...
We've finally moved, all schools have started again, our computers are up and working and I even did some scrapping again.
So it's time to get back to our daily routine even though some little things still need to be done. Well, I could say a LOT of little things, in and around the house! But they are no longer a daytime job, haha!
Back to normal means back to blogging too. I have to admit I've been sitting around for a couple of days thinking what to write in my first entry. So much happend in the past two month I could fill a whole diary. I decided just start here and now again.
So, no long stories but just a couple of LO's I made in the last two weeks:
Just a sweet vacation picture, no special story, just my DD being a girl...

The next one is about Marlijn's interest in letters and writing at the moment.
She's asking all the time: How do I write mommy, to who belongs that letter, look thats my letter! a.s.o.
In the filefolder a few little notes she wrote.

This is just a quick and simple one about my DD's teenage attitude. Journaling reeds: "I'm twelve, so if my mom asks me to smile, do I smile? Don't think so..."
When I showed it to her she smiled!!! and thought it was funny... not such a bad attitude after all, huh?

The last one is from a little while ago. Another mudwalking picture, just can't get enough of them :)

That's it for today!
Hoi Birgit,
Leuk dat je weer blogt. De laatste maanden werd ik bijna elke dag teleurgesteld maar toen ik gisteren op two peas je layouts weer zag verschijnen dacht ik "yes, she's back". Ik lees je graag en geniet van je layouts.
Groeten Joke
1:37 AM
Beautiful LO's!!! TFS!
2:02 PM
yeah ze is terug!!! super lo's as ever! tot donderdag!!!!
10:58 PM
Mag ik mij aansluiten bij Joke!!!!
Fijn dat je er weer bent (ook al was je natuurlijk niet weg)
Groetjes, Petra
3:05 AM
so glad you're getting back in the swing of things ! I still owe you a reply of an email, will send it soon. TFS all the wonderfull lo's !
12:41 PM
leuk je weer te lezen Birgit ;-)
zie je woensdag
1:49 PM
glad to see you're back!!! missed your LO's. these ones are gorgeous as ever. I hope the house move went well.
12:39 AM
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