2 new challenges!!!
Yes, that's right... TWO! Why?? Because the first one is certainly not to join for everyone, it's a digital one.
As you might have noticed my banner is gone. No idea where it went or why, but instead of my handmade Urban Lily banner this ugly yellow frog is staring at me for days now.
Soooo... I need a new one. And I want a digital one. But I'm hopeless with that so I thought it might be a nice challenge for some of you photoshop experts. I know you're out there somewhere :) As it's such an important one for me the RAK wil be really worth it!
If you are interested you can e-mail me at scrappen@birgitkoopsen.nl and I wil send you a picture of me that I want included in the banner. The rest is up to you! Surprise me, knock me of my feet. The winning banner will of course shine at the top of my blog for the coming time!!!
This challenge closes on march 31, at 12.oo midnight dutch time!
And because I know that far from every scrapper is that good in photoshop (I'm not :)) but great artists on paper I decided to do another LO challenge as well!
The theme of the LO will be "Spring is in the air"!
I want you to use at least 3 flowers, paint and handwritten journaling. Of course there will be a RAK for the most creative and surprising LO!
You can send your LO's again to scrappen@birgitkoopsen.nl. Have fun! This challenge also closes at march 31, 12.00 midnight, dutch time!
I want you to use at least 3 flowers, paint and handwritten journaling. Of course there will be a RAK for the most creative and surprising LO!
You can send your LO's again to scrappen@birgitkoopsen.nl. Have fun! This challenge also closes at march 31, 12.00 midnight, dutch time!
Well... a whole week has gone by again already. Pfff...where did it go, what did I do??
I've been preparing my upcoming workshop (see button on the right) wich is almost fully booked already. I went over to Anita to have a nice evening crop, I've been working on some projects (that I will be showing soon) and I've been working with the awesome new scrap-club kit of wich a few sneak peeks here:

Monday there's a training/workshop for all DT-member of Kars at Bruynzeel/Sakura and of course I'll be going there, even though it's all the way down to Bergen op Zoom wich is a 3 hour drive for me and the workshop is only 2,5 hours. I just love pens, pencils and markers so it should be fun! I hope it's worth the ride. More about it next week!
For now I'll just sit by the phone anxiously waiting for my BIL to call. My Sil is due to deliver her baby any time now... well... within the next 2 weeks that is, but you never know :)
Wish you all a wonderful weekend and keep the creative juices flowing!
Labels: 2 challenges, banner, sneak peeks, spring
Sorry for your banner, i'm trying to make one for my blog but it doesn't work so i'm not going to do your "digital chanllenge" ;-)
Perhaps the second one, who knows?
7:15 AM
Ik ben al blij dat ik inmiddels m'n layouts kan posten op diverse sites, maar veel meer kan ik digitaal niet.
Je sneek peeks zien er weer veelbelovend uit.
8:22 AM
Hi Birgit! Het lijkt me een erg leuke challenge, dus ik ga mijn hersenens een goed laten kraken :) Verder zien je sneek-peaks er erg mooi uit, ben benieuwd naar de hele projecten! Veel plezier met de workshop!
9:38 AM
Wow - love the sneak peaks you have up there again! Totally not a digi scrapper - I'm happy when I know how to upload my pictures- LOL!
11:06 AM
Leuke challenges Birgit!!!
Ik zal eens kijken :) (Scrapmood is laatste tijd beetje weg....)
Fijn weekend!
2:41 PM
Cool challenges! I'll join with the paper one ;P !!
1:11 AM
digital scrapbooking is not my thing, and I'm not quite sure yet if I'm gonna join the other challenge, 'cause it would mean making 3 different Spring LO's, but then again, I might get into it once I start.
Are you gonna stock up on new pens and markers whilst at Kars??? ;-))
2:06 AM
I'm in for the 'paper' challenge ;-)
2:24 AM
Great sneakpeaks Birgit! Can't wait to see the kit. What a shame about your banner, never done something like that. So I join the paper challenge, looks like fun!! Have fun at bruynzeel!!
4:16 AM
yes; it's a yummie kit!! love to play with it!!
nope; i'm not a diggi-woman!! but i'm curious about your new one!!
6:40 AM
Sneakpeeks taste like more! Can't wait to see the rest... I'll tell Daphne about your digital challenge, she is so talented (on paper AND digi). I'm up for the paper one, hope i find the T-I-M-E...;-))
11:50 AM
Love the sneak peaks, they look great! Also love the paper challenge, thanks for inspiration! :)
12:46 PM
Birgit, I send you an email earlier (Saturday), for the banner, but didnt get a reaction. Did you get my mail?
So... if you have a bit time, please send me the picture!
2:19 AM
Wow those sneakpeaks look great! And I am looking forward to the challenges :-D XOX
7:26 PM
Hi Birgit! For the banner I want to know: what do you want as title for your blog??
~ * ~ * Welcome to my blog * ~ * ~
Birgits memoryart ?
Will you let me know please??
1:50 AM
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