Sunday, March 04, 2007

It was a wonderful week!!

The first weekend of our vacation our friends joined us. They have two boys. The oldest gets along with Lennart very well and the yougest is about 8 month older then Marlijn and they get along very well too! So we had fun, swimming, bowling, playing tennis, go out for dinner and do some shopping. The kids had a great time.

The only sad thing was that Lennart got sick saturday afternoon and was not able to go to the soccer match PSV-Groningen for wich Erik arranged cards on VIP-location. Now our friends oldest son went with Erik and they had a terrific evening but for Lennart it was a bummer. He was much better the next morning. We had a very relaxing week, went to Eindhoven to shop (yes I did some scrap shopping too :)) and Erik and Lennart went to the PSV training on thursday.

Friday morning we had to leave our little house. We drove to Wijchen where my PIL´s live (stopped by in Heesch to do some more scrap shopping) where we were gonna stay two more nights because I was attending the wacky workshop ad de Creatie in Veghel on saturday. I signed up for 3 workshops by Céline who is a real artist and freestyler. I met there with Bonnette, Florence, Danielle and of course Corinne who was teaching workshops too. I also met some other people who's names I knew from message boards and blogs but now saw in real for the first time. So fun to meet you all ladies :)
We all had a wondeful day, learned a lot and had tons of fun and very, very good food!

So... I feel inspired, relaxed and full of energy, ready to face the next couple of weeks before it's vacation again *LOL*

Just want to remind you that you have 3 more days to join the challenge (see last post) Please e-mail your LO to You have untill wednesday 12.00p.m. The kit you can win is really fun!!! So come on ladies, make me happy, fill my mailbox!

Have a great week!



Blogger D@nielle said...

it was fun seeing you again for laughs and chitchats during the crop. I'm already ready for november LOL.

12:43 PM

Blogger Christiane said...

this all sounds good!! what a bummer for lennard :(
this weekend my thoughts were on the *wacky weekend*.

12:48 PM

Blogger bonnette said...

thanks Birgit for the moments we shared around the 'you know what'-table haha (and all the other moments) its was a inspiring day !

12:53 PM

Blogger Nathalie Kalbach said...

sounds like a great time - I would have so loved to be there too :-( Sirry about lennard!

1:34 PM

Blogger rev said...

o, this sounds so much fun! can't wait to 'poop' out the baby and be 'normal' again, and join you guys!!
poor Lennart, that must be a huge bummer for him. Luckely he's all better now!
well... have fun scrapping, with al that stuff you bought :)

12:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was nice meeting you too Birgit this workshop weekend!

3:07 AM

Blogger Brigitta said...

sounds like a great week Birgit!! I'm a bit without inspiration, so I'm not sure if I can manage a LO before wednesday. I could always try and make one wednesdaymorning at the crop, or would that be cheating a little bit ;-)

4:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad we didn't meet in would have been great to meet you at the WWWeekend....I was there too ;-)
I'm trying to get a LO finished.

8:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lijkt me leuk om al die workshops te volgen en nieuwe dingen te zien en te leren!
Mijn LO is al opgestuurd, 'k ben benieuwd wat iedereen ervan gemaakt heeft! Nog even geduld dus...
Groetjes Boukje.

11:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wat fijn dat jullie zo'n Heerlijke week hebben gehad, wel erg sneu voor Lennart dat hij juist die dag ziek was:(
Je lo die je bij de Creatie hebt gemaakt is weer geweldig leuk geworden (gezien in de nieuwsbrief van de Creatie);)
groetjes, Carla

8:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great that you all had a great week!
Too bad for Lennart he couldn't join the real game!Finally finished my layout for the challenge it's on your way1

Gr Jeanet

1:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love that picture! Sounds like you had a great time!!! grz Eefgnyswsg

8:15 PM


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