A new challenge!
I want to thank you all for the nice comments and e-mails you've send me! I'm glad everybody liked the challenge so much. A lot of you said that you've never used a sketch before but that is was so much fun that you will use it more now. Also a lot of you told me that you were looking forward to the next challenge even when there's no RAK involved. So I decided to give you your next challenge *LOL* Not a sketch this time but a product challenge!
Use chenille sticks (pipe cleaners) on your LO! No Rak this time :) but I'd love to see your creations so if you take the challenge please leave a link to your blog or online gallery in your comment or e-mail me on the day you post so I can have a look! Very curious what you'll do with this!
Here's what I did:

Also used some pipe cleaners to bind this little book. They are so fun I'm afraid I will use them a lot in the coming time!!

Hope you found some inspiration, have fun creating!!!
Yep, vind dit ook leuk. Het houdt me tenminste aan het scrappen. Ik ga op zoek naar die pijperagers.
Groeten Joke
2:17 AM
Birgit I send you a LO which I made a little while ago. Used the chenille to make the title.
2:41 AM
Leuk!!! Op zoek naar pijpenragers!
3:29 AM
well done ;)) love this layout with all that pipecleaner-stuff.
have a great weekend!!
3:41 AM
wow! gorgous work!!!! gonna have to break them pipe cleaners out!!!!
4:31 AM
super leuk! Ik had ze ook al aangeschaft maar was vergeten ze te gebruiken, bedankt voor de reminder!
4:46 AM
awesome challenge again Birgit! and love your lo and especially the mini album!
4:54 AM
Hahahaha, wat leuk ik heb net een LO af waar ik ze bij gebruikt had, wel niet zo veel maar net een klein detail
Leuke challenge
5:06 AM
Love those!!!
6:43 AM
I always wondered what to do with them.... Love that LO of your dh and dd. I really have to get into the photoprogramm I think, 'cause that b/w picture with the pink scarf is just amazing
7:41 AM
Love your newest LO with the chenile pipe cleaners! Adorable! Did you find these pipe cleaners at the craft store? They don't look like your standard pipe cleaners!
10:49 AM
Dat ziet er leuk uit. En wat een goed idee om ragers te gebruiken. Ik ben bang dat ik deze challenge even over moet slaan. Er staat een geweldige vakantie voor de deur. Voor de overige scrappers... veel succes ermee
11:07 AM
This is great!!!! Don't have those at home, don't even know where to find them, but I'll try to!! Just a question..... how on earth do you attach those to your page?????
4:00 PM
Ziet er geweldig leuk uit Birgit, ik ga op zoek naar de pijpenragers;)
groetjes, Carla
7:01 AM
Hi Birgit,
I'm from Brazil and I'll try now... see you later.
10:07 AM
Great LO! I love the swirls! And I think I have to buy pipe cleaners...;)
3:45 PM
pretty soon you will have to joine an anonymous group for your addiction to these fuzzy bendy things LOL
12:40 AM
Hi Birgit,
First of all... I love you work and style I'm your fan.
Now about the LO ... here in Brazil doesn't have pipe cleaners colored only white, so not so beautiful... I had to improvise, I died with corante (couloring). The LO is about my little dog that I love so much.
I wait that you like.
There is the link http://alexandra-addictedtoscrapbooking.blogspot.com
8:06 AM
Hi Birgit! I love your idea with theses chenille-sticks and I decided to take your challenge. You can find my Layout on my blog here: www.brittascholles.blogspot.com
or at two peas.
I hope you like it.
9:10 AM
HOW CUTE is that layout??!! Love the pipe cleaners!!! I will have to try some on a layout!
2:10 PM
Ohh I love you LO! I have a lot of pijpenragers somewhere in a box up in an attic in Amsterdam, but have no clue if they have them here... but that's an extra challenge, I'll try to find some :-D
6:21 PM
GEWELDIG idee dat chenille draad! Ik heb nog heel wat in de kast liggen hiervan....Thanks for sharing!
2:43 PM
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