a touch of winter
****Edited edited edited edited****
We have a winner!!!!! Susanne is the first to have bingo. I checked her list and it is right!!! Her words are:
2 peas
Congratulations Susanne!!! The kit is coming your way! Have fun with it!
... and for the rest of you... I hope you had fun, even though you didn't win. I know I did! And don't worry I'll probably have something fun coming up soon! So keep stopping by every once in a while!
Finally it seems that we get a little winter here. It's freezing cold but the sun was shining and this morning we even had very little snow, but hee, it was snow :)

I hope we wake up tomorrow to a winter wonderland! I only like winter when we have lots and lots of snow!!!

Finished 2 new LO's but can't show yet :(
Won't be very long though... adn I have to say, I'm quite pleased with them myself :)
Erik has been reading Marlijn a bedtime storie of "Jip&Janneke" where Jip's father is shaving himself and Jip wants to do it too. Jip get's some shaving gel and falls from the stool he's standing on. It's a funny story. So tonight at dinner Erik said to Marlijn that she could shave herself if she wanted too before having a shower. Well, you can probably imagine how her reaction was :)

Isn't she just adorable with way to much gel and a tooth brush as a shaving knife?!

...and let's not forget the words for the bingo, tatatada... are you getting nervous? *LOL*
ink, chipboard, publications, staple
Have a great evening!
Ik heb BINGO!!!
Groetjes Susanne
11:03 AM
Hi Birgit, de foto's van je dochter zijn helemaal geweldig!!!
Gefeliciteerd Susanne!
Misschien moet de titel van deze post wel zijn 'a touch of winner" :)) Een fijne avond allemaal!
11:07 AM
Hi Birgit, those photos of that little snow are great, hoping it will snow here too, love it.
The story of Marlijn shaving is super!! My son does that too sometimes, having a lot of fun!!Great photos!!
Well, had only one word to go but too bad.....Congrats Susanne!!!
11:19 AM
We had a little bit of snow in my part of the UK but not enough to do anything with.
Love the look on Marlijn's face xxx
11:23 AM
Wow... sneeuw!!! Super zeg. En je dochter is prachtig!!
Susane: gefeliciteerd!!!!
Ik had er één goed en moest er nog maar twee :-( TE LAAT!!! Hahaha
PS voor diegene die niks gewonnen hebben, binnenkort kun je op mijn blog ook wat leuks winnen!!!
11:24 AM
Congrats Susanne!!! Love those cute cute phtos!
11:43 AM
congrats, susanne!! what funny photos!! *lol*
weheee!! winter will come. i'm dreaming of a winterwonderland too. it's so cold here that i MUST put my woolsocks on :)
enjoy your evening!
12:16 PM
Susanne gefeliciteerd!
En heerlijke winterfoto's Birgit...
Jammer dat Flip de beer nu geen scheerbeurt meer kan krijgen ;-)
12:27 PM
happy for you Susanne and..a bit jalous too ;-)
So cute little doll with her funny face!
12:35 PM
Gefeliciteerd Susanne!!
't was een leuk idee Birgit, ik heb nog nooit zo vaak even achter de computer gezeten...
Ook bij ons lag vanmorgen sneeuw.
'k Had vanmiddag graag 'sneeuwfoto's' willen maken, maar na schooltijd was de sneeuw alweer weg.Misschien morgen??
Groetjes Boukje.
12:42 PM
Congratulations Susanne.
Ahhh you had snow Birgit, we didn't :( but is really cold, maybe soon.
Love the pictures of Marlijn.
Thanks for the game !!
12:44 PM
Susanne gefeliciteerd en Birgit jij erg bedankt voor dit leuke spel!
Ben alweer benieuwd naar de LO van Marlijn!!
1:10 PM
ik moest er nog 2 maar ik vond het heel leuk, vindt je verhaaltjes altijd leuk om te lezen hoor, niet alleen nu.
Susanne gefeliciteerd met je super leuke prijs, veel plezier ermee
1:13 PM
congratulations Susanne!! I still had 4!!!! to go haha.
Hope winter will wait til I'm back from my crop at Birgit's tomorrow, I HATE driving in the snow
1:29 PM
Wow, sneeuw, super!! Ik hoop voor je dat er veel en veel meer valt, zoiets als hier:-) Lekker sneeuw LOtjes maken!
Wat een enige foto's van je dochter, dat verhaaltje ken ik.... tot in den treure voorgelezen vroeger, echt genieten die boekjes!
3:43 PM
Congrats to you Susanne.
Birgit thanks for this fun game.
I am already curious what you make with those cute photo's of Marlijn.
Wish we had a little bit of snow here but maybe later on this week we are lucky.
11:44 PM
and lovely pictures
hope I'll winn the next RAK!!!
12:37 AM
bLucky you on the snow ! Michael is complaining that it's only freezing overnight and no snow to show for it. Who knows on his birthday it might next week. So cute that shaving, will make a great lo !
2:16 AM
wat een leuke foto's van Marlijn. Wat is ze toch fotogeniek.
En Susanne, gefeliciteerd met je prijs, maak er wat moois van.
Het was leuk om mee te doen.
4:01 AM
Congratulations Susanne on having BINGO!!! You're one lucky chica :) Whohooo - enjoy the Kit :) Love - Andrea
4:27 AM
Hi Birgit!
Your blog is so beautiful! I love it!
Hugs from Brazil
Patri Oliveira
7:45 AM
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