A busy day today...
so just a few quick words.
Some pictures of Marlijn and Flip of course!
Marlijn and Flip slept very well and woke up at about 7.45 a.m.
We went shopping today and while we were at it we thought it was a little cold for Flip because he had only this body-warmer on. In the first shop we went the shawls were on sale and Marlijn picked one for Flip in the same color as his shoes. He was sooooo happy with it *LOL*
At the supermarket we had the same ritual as always - regular visitors of my blog know about the slice of meat and the reading in the magazine section of Marlijn - only this time together with Flip. So fun, this weekend will make such a good topic for a nice minibook!
Then we went to order fish for tonight. Marlijn says Flip loves fish, but I think he loves just everything :)
The rest of the day Marlijn played, painted, read, watched t.v. and "scrapped" all with Flip by her side!

The words for today are:
embellish, workshop, bling-bling, photography
Good luck to all of you and have a great saturday!!
Hi Birgit, I love the pictures of Marlijn & Flip! Fun that she picked a scarf in the same color as the shoes :)
For me no words today, still 6 down and 4 to go! Have a nice evening and a great workshop this weekend
10:24 AM
Weer een woordje erbij. Sta nu op zes. Het wordt steeds spannender.
Geweldig trouwens zo'n weekendgast.Een serieuze zaak, zo te zien en te lezen. Veel plezier nog.
10:26 AM
The pics of Marlijn and Flip are so great. I've done it some years ago in my class also. Flip had his onw dairy with him. So nice to read every time.
I have 4 words totally now...
10:55 AM
I'm in love with Flip Allready!
10:56 AM
Ben erg benieuwd naar jouw "Flip-album" - dat moet leuk worden!!
Heb spijt dat Flip bij ons logeerde voordatik het scrappen ontdekte...
De bingo gaat rustig aan, nog 3 te gaan.
12:35 PM
can't wait to see this minibook!! it'll be very cute!!
*grmpfff*; six to go ;)
12:43 PM
hihi, no words for me today. I wonder if I will see Flip tomorrow, or will they be out??? ;-)
2:30 PM
Wat een leuke foto's, onze kinderen waren al te oud voordat Flip op school kwam. Geweldig de foto van samen boekje lezen en een stukje worst bij de slager :) Ik zie ook wel een mini Flip boekje komen :)
gr Alette
1:38 AM
Beautiful photos Birgit!
Will be so great to have a minibook about Flip!
No words today, still 3 to go!
2:01 AM
LOVE the story's about Marlijn & Flip. Such a cool project. And serious awesome topic for a mini-album!!
have a great weekend,
6:59 AM
Hihi I love the pictures!!!
Marlijn is taken her job very serious, Flip is a very lucky bear :)
Have a great weekend Birgit!
7:11 AM
Ohhhh love that picture of Merlijn and Flip reading!!!!
8:30 PM
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