Let's do 4 today...
Because it is going very slowly with the bingo - I think, not all of you have given details *lol* - I thought we'll speed it up a little. So today you get the following 4 words:
album, brush, worldwide, joy
Nothing new to show today...
I've been busy creating workshop kits for saturday.
3 paperbag albums x 14 people makes 42 kits, wich is a lot of cutting and counting.
But that's ok, because I know saturday will be a lot of fun!
Here a few sneek peaks of the contents of the kits.

What do you think?
Have a nice evening!
Labels: game
Just one word more for me.
What do i think abaout the kit?
I think i would like to be with you on saturday!;-)
How lucky they are!
And thanks for your comment on my blog.It's so pleasant for me!
10:33 AM
Two words for me, but not three :)
The kit looks great, I love the felt!! Have fun saterday, wish i could be there. Have a nice evening everyone!
10:37 AM
my second word, yeah! funny game, hihi
Those kits look awesome! I mean, I'm not so much into the felt-thing, but altogether it looks very *yummie* :-)
10:46 AM
Looks great!!
10:46 AM
No words for me today... :-( The kits are lokking great!
10:55 AM
pfff!! nada again!!
have fun with your gorgeous sneakys ;)
11:15 AM
One again. I'm half way. Five to go. I love the kits. They look great.
11:22 AM
Oh my....the kits looks so awesome!! Wish I could be there on saturday....I will next time for sure!!! Wish you and everyone who joins a really great day and lots of fun! They go home with a beautiful mini album! (wish I would) :(
Oh....great words you picked,almost forgot...five already now..so only five to go!!
Gr Jeanet
11:38 AM
I looooovee the kit, the only thing I don't like so much is the words you pick out, the aren't the right ones ;-)
11:47 AM
The kits look awesome!!!! :D
I'm a little bit jealous at everyone who is going to work with it!
11:58 AM
buhuuuuu - no word yesterday none today - bahahaha. Your kits look awesome!!!
11:59 AM
kits look yummy! Have fun with the workshops!
1:00 PM
Wish i was having your workshop Saturday. But I've another one, that will be also very nice!!
No words again... I only have 1...
1:00 PM
The kits looks so great!! Wish I lived more close so I could have joined it :-)
No word for me neither today...hihi I only have 3 words so far.
Usually I don't like bingo that much but this time it is really exciting!!
1:19 PM
één woord erbij, zo zit je lang aan ons vast, Birgit!
Ziet er leuk uit voor jouw workshop zaterdag! Kun je niet wat dichterbij workshops of crops geven?
Groetjes Boukje.
1:31 PM
wauwie, what a nice peaks!! I have four words already....
didn't you need any help, cutting or drawling or anything... I will, I will!!!!!!!!
1:45 PM
nothing here!! snif
I would love to have such a kit as RAK!! but lucky is not my middle name! ;-(
1:49 PM
Vier nieuwe woorden en niet één daarvan staat op mijn lijstje. Blèh! Wanneer komen die M&M's nu eens? Die bewaar je vast en zeker tot het laatst omdat bijna iedereen die er op heeft staan. En dan maar kijken wie er het eerste mailt. En ik werk bijna elke avond. Zo kan ik toch nooit winnen!
Haha, ik vind het ondanks alles toch leuk hoor, en je pakketjes zien er goddelijk uit. Veel plezier zaterdag.
2:06 PM
I don't believe it!!! 4 words and none right!!!! Ah well, c'est la vie hahah. Can't wait til saturday sooooo looking forward to this Birgit!!!
2:09 PM
I checked and found out that it is a 2 hours and 15 minutes drive from my home to yours so.... I think giving workshops in another place might be a great idea!!!!
Maybe you'll do it when we all start to "stalk" you......
2:29 PM
The kit looks good..... send it over here please:-)
3:49 PM
The kits for your workshop look great. Have fun saturday. No words for me today and still 5 to go.
Good luck to all of you
11:35 PM
Hey ... finally - the first 3 words from my list *lol* ... I already thought somebody would scream BINGO before I would even be able to cross off one word at all *lol* :) And yummy Kits ... looks very tempting - sure it will be fun!
1:22 AM
OK again no words for :(
Those kit look really yummie, you are gonna have fun sathurdat Im sure. Also for me too far away..
5:28 AM
Joke, ik heb geen M7M's op mijn lijstje staan hoor :-)
10:04 AM
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