Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy monday!

**** edited post, almost forgot I was tagged!****

Vacation is over, the kids are back to school and normal routine has started again.
The last two weeks we have been soooo lazy! Most days we stayed in our pj's until noon or even later.

Over New Year we went to Wijchen and we celebrated New Years Eve at my Bil's. We had a great time, the only things that wasn't so nice was that Lennart got sick. He wasn't feeling well when we left and it only got worse. He spend most of the time on the couch and at midnight on New Years Eve he forced himself out for the fireworks but within 10 minutes he was back inside the house with a lot of firework left overs, now waiting untill next year!

(my FIL baking "oliebollen" a dutch tradition for New Year)

(left overs...)

I didn't get any scrapbooking done! I went over to Anita un Tuesday evening to scrap but the only thing I finished was the cover of a little album I'm making for the demonstration at Kars in februari.
The last few days I prepared kits for the paperbag workshop I'm teaching the 20th. and I made one example of wich you see a few sneek peaks here, and that's it. Not one LO did I make!

But now, with the kids back to school and the demo at Kars coming up I'm sure I will do some scrapping this week so I hope I will be able to show something in the next couple of days...

I've been tagged by Anita L.!
1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence.
3. Post the text of the following 3 sentences on your blog.
4. Name of the author and book.
5. Tag three people of your own
OK, this is the book I'm reading right now:
Op een gegeven moment kreeg Natascha een televisie en een radio in haar cel. "Daardoor ontwikkelde ik mezelf steeds meer", zei Natascha. "Omdat ik zoveel las kon ik ook wel boeken gaan schrijven dacht ik, romans. Ik begon in diverse blocnotes te schrijven, niet alleen maar in mijn dagboek".
This is from "Natascha Kampusch, het meisje in de kelder" "Girl in the cellar: the Natascha Kampush Story".
written by Allan Hall & Micheal Leidig
It's the true story of an Austrian girl that was kidnapped when she was ten years old. She escapped from her attacker when she was 18, in august of 2006!

I tag Anita, Revlie and Bonnette!

Have a nice monday!


Blogger Kirsty Wiseman said...

i love the look of your paperbag book (that felt!!! - isnt it amazing?)
hope you are all well and happy new year!

3:58 AM

Blogger rev said...

wow, that mini-album looks awesome. I just need to follow a workshop with you :)
And thanx for the tag. I just have to find a not-children book LOL

5:06 AM

Blogger corinne5 said...

happy new year and those sneak peeks look great!


7:25 AM

Blogger Christiane said...

i'm glad that you had such a lazy time!! tomorrow we started back to reality ;)
and your sneak peak: so yummie!!

10:16 AM

Blogger Nathalie Kalbach said...

The cover looks awesome - love it. Wow - that book must be so hard to read - emotionally!

12:03 PM

Blogger Brigitta said...

can't wait to do this workshop Birgit!!!

2:24 PM

Blogger D@nielle said...

hey you really updated ! Love the album, thanks for the peek ! Those bags are great aren't they ?!

12:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Het mini boekje ziet er weer leuk uit Birgit. Ik ben wel erg nieuwsgierig hoe het verder er uit ziet hahaha.

nog een gelukkig en fijn scrap jaar!

5:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yum... oliebollen... :o)
love the look of that book, would love to see it irl!

5:21 PM


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