My mailman... aaaarrrggghhh!!!!
Saturday my January kit of scrap-club arrived. "Well, that must have made you happy!" you'll probably think. And it should have... but it didn't!
What happend?
I was out to do some groceries and when I came back the kit was on my doorstep... on my doorstep!!! The kit was as usual in a pizza box and we all know a pizza box is a little bigger then 12x12 inch, right? Well, my mailbox is 11 inches.... and yet the box was inside... Can you imagine what it looked like??? @#%$^%$%^# Fortunatly all the goodies where on the undamaged side of the box, only the paper was a little crumpled, but still... It even sais on the box "DO NOT BEND"! What was this mailman thinking??? Why would someone pay 6,20 € to mail something in a box if it would fit in an envelop wich is much cheaper and does fit in the mailbox?? And you know what upsets me most in this? It was not necessary! Anne and Lennart were home and my husband and brother in law were working in the backyard!
The contents of the box made me smile though... what an awesome kit!
Something else that made me smile was the other parcel that was delivered by the same mailman. It was a Christmas present from Christiane. Along with a lovely handmade card she's send me this gorgeous felt. Thanks so much Christiane, I love it!
Sunday I started to work with the Scrap-club kit and so far I've got 2 LO's finished!

To make the balls I cut up a rubber coaster from IKEA. It had just the right color. I glued a piece of Christiane's felt on a cardstock circle and layered the rubber circles on top. In the balls I've put little strips of paper with my DD's wishes written down on them.

I know... this is a picture of last year, but it still is one of my favourites and it matched the paper so perfectly! and I know... I used the same technique as on my *I wonder...* LO, stamping the snow flakes, but it gives these LO's such a nice wintery feel! I always have my pictures in a straight angle, never used it like this before so it was quite a challenge for me, but I really like how this LO turned out!
This morning a big box from Kars arrived filled with the most beautiful stuff of the 2 newest K&Co. lines. I will be demonstrating at the "Knallende Karsdagen" in february and now I got al these great things to make examples, isn't that just great???
That's it for now, thanks for stopping by!
I love your layouts!!!
But what a stupid mailman!!!! What was he/she thinking!!!!
5:28 AM
OMG! those lo's are AWESOME! I especially love the green one, as it's my fave color. Great job!
6:09 AM
LOl - I made several experiences with the mailman. Wonderful layouts you did witht those kit - so much love them ! Awesome - christiane rocks!
6:15 AM
Your layouts all ROCK!!!
Hope that mailman finds another job real soon...
6:38 AM
awesome layouts! stupid mailman! Do not give him a christmasbonus this year;)
Show us the goodies!!!
7:08 AM
Wat een geweldige lo's heb je gemaakt, vooral de groene vind ik super;)
Wat een simpele personen zijn dat toch postbodes, ook ik kan er een boek over schrijven:wwww
groetjes, Carla
7:18 AM
oh wow, these layouts are AMAZING!!!
8:35 AM
I reallly love your lo's! There so beautiful!! I'm putting them in my inspiration-map if you don't mind..
And those mailmen... are they really crazy? I would complain about it!!
8:53 AM
wonderful lo's again birgit!
and I could kill someone for that! stupid men!
9:18 AM
Birgit, That is so cool what you did with the felt and the Christmas balls! Both layouts are amazing. In fact, I was looking at all of the layouts in your slide show and I can't get over how unique and wonderful your style is. I LOVE it!
10:57 AM
wat een prachtige LO's heb je weer gemaakt, ben helemaal weg van de "santa"LO en hoe je het vilt hebt gebruikt, maar ook de groene LO is prachtig.
11:15 AM
Love the lo's you made, love the diagonal (is that the word?) placement of the picture, it looks fab!
Stupid mailman! I once found a parcel on the doorstep in the pooring rain :-((
11:16 AM
your lo's look gorgeous, the green one is my favorite. Such bright colors, beautiful. Stupid mailman acting like this.
BTW i got your present today and the goodies are lovely. Thanks again Birgit
12:00 PM
o those mailmans!!! you know you can file a complaint against all of it? i know someone who did and got the postage costs back (as you said, why are you going to pay 6,20.....).
saw your lo's on scrap-club and LOVE them!! beautiful. and the gift of Christiane is fantastic! Wow, what an awesome colors and cool shapes velt right?
12:12 PM
you are also talented, ik zag je werk via de creatie, en ik denk toch dat ik wat ga scrapliften!!!!
en je blog komt in mijn favo's,
wat een geluk heb jij zeg, zo 'n heerlijk pakketjes te kunnen ontvangen!!
12:45 PM
Prachtige LO´s, vooral die groene!
1:13 PM
what an a...... thank goodness nothing was damaged ! OOOh great lo's and lucky you with all that felt ! I will definately visit those days again in feb (hope some of the girls will join me) and this time you will know me when I shake your hand (I'll give you 2 kisses too this time) LOL !
1:22 PM
OH MY WOW!! I totally LOVE those layouts!! (they arent in your peas gallery?) so that is my praise..I wonder if the snowangel one is liftable??? great design!!
1:39 PM
oh my gosh, these are gorgeous again Birgit!!! I might lift little bits of them ;-)
And that mailman must be one of these x-mas extras who haven't got a clue
2:02 PM
Sorry your mailman is a PITA! Gorgeous stuff though! I love the felt!! Stop showing them - you're making me envious!! LOL!
Great layouts!!!
3:25 PM
I just love your LO's... especially the second one. Love the way how you put the picture on the paper!! Can I lift this one please????
Also love the idea on the first LO, with the balls!!
And that mailman..... what an idiot! Here.. the just leave it on your doorstep, or... deliver it on SUNDAY!!
3:46 PM
oh no...
your pages look superb as always!
5:06 PM
wauw, wat een super lo's zeg... vind de manier waarop je de kerstballen gemaakt hebt super ! ga toch ook eens voor het vilt kijken ;-)
En tja postbodes.... ook hier vaker problemen mee gehad en als je gaat reclameren.... 0,0
1:22 AM
Ik hoop dat deze postbode niet in onze wijk loopt. Je zou hem toch....Gelukkig dat het papier nog bruikbaar is. Wat een geweldig lay outs heb je gemaakt zeg! Helemaal perfect! Ik heb ook een paar vakantiefoto's schuin gemaakt en deze zijn ook erg leuk geworden. Hele fijne en gezellige kerstdagen gewenst.
Groetjes Anette
4:39 AM
Hay wat een leuke bog, ik ben hier gekomen via 2 peas. Ik zal je wel zien op de knallende karsdagen want ik ga zéker ook weer komen. Wat ga je maken??
PS je kan me mailen voor de werkbeschrijving van het melkpakje hoor (2peas)
Groetjes van Tessa
9:10 AM
O Birgit, how awful!!! I had the same problem this year (scrap-club kit) and I'm still waiting for the TPG/TNT to pay me the damaged stuff ad 30 euro's!!! Love the lo's you made esp. the snowangel; so cute and gorgeous!
9:35 AM
Hi Birgit, I can imagine that you're mad at your mailman. I sometimes am too. Last Monday, a package full of eyelets was just put ON my mailbox because it was full, so anyone could have taken it away...
Nevertheless, you made gorgeous layouts, especially the green one! My favourite colour!!!
Wish I could also come and demonstrate on the KKK, but I'm never free on Mondays, so that's a problem...
Greetings from Vicky
11:19 AM
Ik weet hoe dat voelt. Mijn postbode heeft ooit een pizzadoos bij de voordeur neergelegd..... in de regen. Ik was woest. Zo zonde. Gelukkig lijkt bij jou de schade mee te vallen want de LO's zijn fantastisch!!
Groetjes en fijne dagen! Petra
1:54 PM
Beautiful layouts!! Your work is just wonderful!!! And what happy packages you got in the mail. Gotta love it!
6:15 PM
Wat een mooie LO's weer en ik heb me echt moeten beheersen om niet meteen "your snowangel" te scrapliften...
gr Nicole
5:23 AM
What a beautifull lo you've made!!! I love them all. FLorence was supposed to get my kid, but something went wrong, still have to figure out what happened! Mailman probably had to much gluhwein :-( what an idiot! Have a great X-mas!!! LOL Eef
9:55 AM
Birgit, These are wonderful! Oh, by the way...I tagged you, so look on my blog to now for what....
12:55 PM
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