Sneak peeks...
I can't show you the whole LO's yet but here are a few sneak peeks of the ones I made with the Get Inspired! kit. Just to make you curious :)

Tonight I'll be teaching a workshop in Groningen. We'll be making a Christmas mini album in a little box using the beautiful BG Fruitcake. Hope they like it!
Tomorrow I have to send out the present for the Secret Santa Swapp at Scrap-Club. We had to buy some scrap-goodies ànd make something ourselfs. We have to mail it tomorrow because some people who play are from outside The Netherlands but we're not alowed to open our presents untill Christmas eve.... and then the guessing begins. Five days we can guess who was our secret Santa before we'll post on the message board of Scrap-Club. So much fun!!!
Enjoy your day!
Oh my goodness - I spy yummyness in this little sneak peak!!! i would love to take your class in Groningen but I'M afraid Christiane and I would go lost there again - LOL!
6:43 AM
How cool are those sneakpeaks!!!
Hmmm tonight I'm in Groningen, only in the Pathé at the movies ;)
I don't know if you red it yet, but I live in Zeijen (near Assen...!, So Drenthe)
8:26 AM
Howdy neighbour! ;)
Hihi didn't expected you would know where Zeijen is!! *lol*
9:35 AM
more great sneak peaks, wish could have joined that workshop girl!!!
I still have to add some finishing touches tomorrow, before I sent of my parcel.... ;-)))
2:01 PM
looking good girl love the flowers of the fabric!
10:59 PM
the sneakpeaks look really yummie. This must be a special kit!
12:31 AM
Ik ga de kit morgen "gewoon" ophalen en ik vind het helemaal niet erg, dat ik hier 2,5 uur voor in de auto moet zitten, vooral als ik op jullie sites allemaal de geweldige sneakpeaks zie!!! en idd het bloemetje van stof, wowwwww!!!
gr Nicole
1:07 AM
very *lecker* ;) and yes, i would love to be in Groningen too!! maybe sometimes!!
5:26 AM
the *get inspired*-link doesn't work!!
i'm curious ;))
5:28 AM
Sorry, now they work :)
7:06 AM
Oh wow love you're sneakpeaks... Im hooked now so I ordered it too .. Hope I wasn't too late or I'll have to wait a while for the next one.... Can't wait to see what you made for the workshop ! I have a secret Sinterklaas prezzie screaming open me open me on my table. Can't wait untill tuesday .......
3:33 PM
these look great Birgit. Can't wait to see the whole LO! Love all the LOs in your previous posts. Beautiful pictures of you and all the girls!
10:58 PM
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