10, 11 and 12...
technically spoken someone could have bingo today! But regarding the comments left so far it seems that no one is that lucky I think... but you never know, maybe it's the quiet ones :)
So here are the 3 words of today
creative, friendship, buttons
Speaking of buttons, I love buttons... can't even imagine how I ever scrapped without them, haha!
So, on my latest LO, of course, again, buttons...

OK, I'll be honest... I wish this was my own doodling... but it isn't :(
It's an overlay designed by Rhonna Farrer. The only thing I did is cut it up. I took the "BE" part from the lower left corner and moved it to the upper right corner. Isn't that doodling just beautiful? The paper is from K&Co. Brookfield, ghost alphabet by HS painted with a blue (pool) paint dabber, a big flower and some buttons and that's it! Revlie bought the same overlay at D&D last friday... very curious what she's gonna do with it! :)
Hope you all had a great weekend and a lovely week ahead!
Yes... another Word. I gor the first three of my list, so only 7 more to go.
The Lo is georgeous, and about the doodling... sssssh don't tell anyone ;-)
10:01 AM
I'm not that lucky for sure....only have one word so far!
Your layout is beautiful Birgit!!Such a gorgeous photo!!
And I am totally with you on the button thing,love em too and they look so great on a layout.
Well, hope I'm more lucky tomorrow on the bingo :)
Greetz Jeanet
10:15 AM
Nog steeds niets goed :-(
10:44 AM
Je LO is erg mooi!! Vooral die overlays vind ik prachtig en geweldig, die knopen!
Voor vandaag 1 woord goed...
10:47 AM
Een woord goed. Totaal nu 4 goed.
10:54 AM
Not a single word yet :-( Maybe tomorrow I'll be lucky.
What a great use of buttons on yout LO! How did you affix the overlay? Underneath the button?
and: thanks for visiting me at my blog and leaving a comment :-) I wish I could understand netherlands as good as you do in german!
11:36 AM
This is so cool! Do you know that I have never put a button on a layout? I'm serious!
12:12 PM
Echt een schitterende LO Birgit, heeel mooie overlay ook die perfect past bij de pure foto van je dochter, mooi hoe hij de foto een klein beetje overlapt!
12:22 PM
Nu maar eens in het engels: What a beautifull LO LLLOOOVVVEEE it! Great overlay.
12:30 PM
1 right word yeaaaah, love the doodling overlay and you made it so beautifully fit in the page
12:55 PM
Zie je wel, ik ben geen Bingo type! Nog steeds maar één woord goed. Nou ja, ik vind het wel leuk.
Vind je l.o. erg mooi. Schitterend gewoon!
1:08 PM
wow wat een prachtige LO
ben er stil van
gr MaaikeV
1:12 PM
Wow, beautiful LO as always...
I like the overlay too...
gr Nicole
1:16 PM
i wasn't organized enough to play your bingo game Birgit. Love the new LO! I am hooked on buttons now too!
1:20 PM
Love the layout- yummie!
1:20 PM
no words today!! (my love has gone away --- or was that another song???)
and if you winn on my blog, do I win on yours??, just kidding!! I think you have my mailadres, so you can leave me your adres so I can send you the the goodie you won on my blog!!
1:23 PM
and yet another day goes by without a word hahaha. I love that LO Birgit, wonderful job with the buttons!!!
2:15 PM
Not playing Bingo, was to late...... ah well, better next time, if there is a next time LOL
Looooooove the LO.... wish we could all doodle like that, never tried it, am to afraid I'll make a mistake.....
3:32 PM
Gorgeous layouts!! Love the overlay!!
10:26 PM
No luck today, so still 7 words left :)
I love, love this overlay, haven't seen it before. A must have ;)
And you made a wonderful LO with it!!
11:59 PM
What an adorable LO - LOVE it!!! And regarding the Bingo-Game ... well ... nothing so far - not a single little word :) ... guess I'm not on the lucky side here *lol* ... but I'll keep checking :)
12:12 AM
I have one word only too....
And what a beautiful lo! Love it.
12:39 AM
Lovely LO !
12:47 AM
I absolutly LOVE this layout! I saw the overlays a couple of days ago and I think they rock!
1:38 AM
buttons and ribbons, yummi to work with. Beautiful LO you made (love the overlay too) with a pretty model. 3 words sofar.
4:06 AM
love that layout!
4:33 AM
Georgeous Lo birgit!!!!
doesn't matter it isn't yours...doodling
it's your wonderful Lo!
6:49 AM
A-mazing!!! This LO is just FAB and so is that photo!!!
8:27 AM
Waouh!Waouh!What a great LO!
And such a cute little face!
12:21 PM
Wat een prachtige lay-out. Helemaal top!
3:33 AM
Your blog is so much fun. I love all the colors (mine is similar, black with different color text). anyway.. your blog is a lot of fun to visit and read. I get a lot of info from it. Have to ask, maybe you can give me some tips though, how do you do the header with a picture on it? Haven't been able to figure that out.
8:13 AM
Hi, late reactie,maar op een Yahoogroup (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/scrappers_NL ) is deze LO uitgekozen om te liften! Super he? Ik was aan et snuffelen hier om te zien hoe jedie super doodles had gedaan, maar nu snap ik em! Die dingen kan ik hier helaas niet krijgen dus zal ik me eraan moeten wagen et zelf te doen! Vind em super hoor deze!!
3:58 PM
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