scrap, scrap, scrap...
Anne and my niece Nienke scrapped last night until I send them to bed. They didn't even come down to watch X-factor...
This morning we started at 11.00 and we scrapped until about 3.00 p.m. 'till it was time to bring Nienke home. She lives an hour driving from us and we brought her there and stayed for dinner. We just got home, Marlijn is in bed so time to update a little.
We had fun today! We spend the whole day in my scraproom, didn't even get out for lunch. My sweet DH brought our lunch upstairs :)
Nienke was very creative and finished 2 LO's.
Anne didn't have her day, she finished nothing at all, although she started 3 different projects *LOL*.
I made a LO about Nienke loving to scrap. I gave it to her so she can show it at school and then put it in her album. She loved it! I used the upcoming kit from Scrap-club for it so I can't show the whole LO yet, but here some sneak peeks.

And it was Flips last day at our house. Tomorrow he's going back to school. I guess that's better too, Marlijn was getting a little tired of looking after him. This morning she didn't want to dress him and when I said that he needed to have some clothes on when we would bring Nienke home she said that she decided he was sick today so he could stay in his PJ's, haha...
But at my SIL's house she let Flip play with her and her cousin and he even got some potato chips. But I don't think she will be very sad when he's not coming home tomorrow afternoon :)
OK, let's get some more bingo words, I can't imagine it will take much longer before we have a winner, it's getting exciting!!
Here we go:
social, ribbon, letters, M&M's
Good luck again!
Hope you all have a great week ahead!
love, love the stories of flip!! good to hear that your wekkend was so much fun!!
the sneakies are awesome!!
and bingo?? *grrrr*
11:35 AM
No words for me today!
But oooh.... those sneakpeaks are yummie!! 'Have to wait a few days more. You certainly had a scrapful weekend, great that they are so enthousiastic about it, wishing your niece good luck on her schoolproject!
11:43 AM
Geweldig die jonge meiden aan de scrap, de jeugd heeft de toekomst,
enne de sneap peaks zien er al weer super uit ben heel benieuwd...
gr Nicole
11:46 AM
je hebt haar heel mooi geleerd!!!
11:52 AM
Geweldig de verhalen van Flip. Wat zullen julli 'em missen.
Leuk dat de meiden enthousiast aan het scrappen zijn geweest!!
Voor mij nog 3 woorden te gaan :-)
12:02 PM
What a cool pictures Birgit!
12:03 PM
Hihihi, ja een teddybeer is een hele verantwoordelijkheid... Het scrappen met die meiden ziet er heel knus uit, ben benieuwd naar je LO! (oh ja, ben nog heeel ver verwijderd van het B-woord....;-))
12:13 PM
Leuk hoor, scrappen met de meiden! De gescrapte LO's zagen er mooi uit, ben benieuwd naar jouw LO...
Geweldig dat Marlijn zich bedacht dat Flip dan maar ziek was voor een dagje, alleen zodat zij hem niet hoefde aan te kleden :))
Wat de bingo betreft: vandaag weer 1 woord erbij, dat betekent nog 3 te gaan :)
12:20 PM
Eindelijk de M&M's. Nog 3 woorden te gaan.
Heeft nog niemand Bingo?
1:00 PM
Hope someone will have bingo soon (I did not play) really adored the stories of Flip the bear!! Even my daughter has been asking how he was doing, she only knows him from the website. Such a shame he is leaving again, think the little guy deserves his own blog LOL.
So great the girls have been scrapping with you! My DD at this moment only cuts up my beloved pp :-(( hope she learns to love it soon!
2:03 PM
1 woordje kunnen strepen, maar nog lang geen bingo.
Ondanks zijn ziektedag heeft Flip toch een heel leuk weekend gehad denk ik zo :)
Groetjes Diana
2:06 PM
Nienke created the LO about SLAPEN? :-o OMG she is so talented!
I would love to see the rest of your LO as well
Bingo? Nope. I'm still 6 words away from BINGO ...
2:10 PM
Those are great projects, we had a Raai de Kraai over for a weekend and i made sort of an harmonica album in his little book of travels. Wow Nienke is pretty good, it is good to get them hooked so young hehe .... You're sneak peak looks fab, can't wait to see the rest.
12:42 AM
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