Sneak peeks...
I can't show you the whole LO's yet but here are a few sneak peeks of the ones I made with the Get Inspired! kit. Just to make you curious :)

Tonight I'll be teaching a workshop in Groningen. We'll be making a Christmas mini album in a little box using the beautiful BG Fruitcake. Hope they like it!
Tomorrow I have to send out the present for the Secret Santa Swapp at Scrap-Club. We had to buy some scrap-goodies ànd make something ourselfs. We have to mail it tomorrow because some people who play are from outside The Netherlands but we're not alowed to open our presents untill Christmas eve.... and then the guessing begins. Five days we can guess who was our secret Santa before we'll post on the message board of Scrap-Club. So much fun!!!
Enjoy your day!