About me challenge

Wendy (wishin4moretime on 2Peas) challenged us to do an About Me entry on december 5th. showing 3 pictures and answering specific questions. So here it is:
My name is Birgit, I don't really have nicknames except for the short version Bir. My name seems to be a little difficult for a lot of people though, if been called Brigitte, Brigit, Bridget, Birgitta and much more... but Birgit it is!
I just turned 38 last week and I'm quit happy with this age!
I was born in Bremen, Germany, having a Dutch mother and a German father.
We moved to the Netherlands when I was about half a year old. I now live in a little village called Winsum in the North of the Netherlands.
I have 3 beautiful kids, Anne (girl, 11 years old), Lennart (boy, 10 in 2 days) and Marlijn (girl, just 3)
About my favorite holiday tradition, hhmmm...I guess that must be right after I 've put the lights in the Christmas tree, Christmas music is filling the room and my kids decorate the tree and I watch them hanging all the balls and ornaments on just one branch :)
I started scrapping a little more than 2 years ago after my SIL who lived in the States for a year told me about it and I can't imagine ever to stop doing it.

I was a few times published in Dutch magazines and was a co-writer for 2 Dutch scrapbooking books. My first American publication was in Memory Makers Scrapbook Idea Gallery 6, oct. 05 and there will be a LO of me in Cantata Books Sensational Seasonal Pages (coming out spring 2006)
I would LOVE to get published in CK., I submit a lot but no results so far, except that my name was mentioned in CK's december issue (yippie!).
My favorite food is for sure Italian and my favorite snack chips.

I love to go on vacation with my family, most of all to France where we spent almost every summervacation. Besides scrapbooking I like to read, watch CSI, sleep in and eat out!
I also copied the A~Z about me from Karen´s blog;
A-Age: 38
B-Bed size: Lits-jumeaux
C-Chore you hate: Ironing!!!
D-Dessert you love: fresh fruit cocktail with whipped cream or chocolate mousse also with whipped cream
E-Essential start your day item: toasted cheese sandwich with tea
F-Favorite actor(s): I don´t really have favorites, don´t see much movies...
G-Gold or Silver:Gold
H-Height: 1.73m
I-Instruments you play: none
J-Job title: SAHM
L-Living arrangements: Me, husband Erik, daughters Anne and Marlijn, son Lennart, a few birds and a gold fish
M-Mom's name: Ina
O-Overnight hospital stay other than birth: got my tonsils taken out when I was 20
P-Phobia: spiders, fire
Q-Quote you like: Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future.
R-Right or left handed: right
S-Siblings: I´m the oldest of 2 girls
T-Time you woke up today: 7:49 am
U-Unique habit: I always clean up my scrap place before I start a new LO
V-Vegetable you hate: spinach
W-Worst habit: Always waiting until the last moment to do things that really need to be done, let´s say I do best under pressure...
X-X-rays you've had: foot
Y-Yummy food you can make: pizza, spaggethi sauce, tuna and chicken salad.
Z- Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Have a great week!
(Thanks Wendy for the challenge!)
Oh I love your answers! Your pics are fab, you look awesome in those boots! Thanks for playing, it is great to get to know you all a little bit better. :o)
6:28 PM
Fun to read about you - wish I could vacation in France!!!
11:26 PM
Oh, I do love these answers! What a great entry, Birgit! How fun to get to hear a little more about you. And I love your A-Z list! Too fun, I may have to bloglift you on that one! Thanks for posting all these great things about yourself, I feel like I know you much better!
12:08 AM
Love your pictures! I've never been to where you live but have visited parts of Europe and LOVED it. Thanks for sharing!
3:15 AM
Love your photos! You look great! Thank you for sharing!
5:32 AM
I love your fun photo!
12:52 PM
Great answers!! I think XMas is just a magical time too!! Seems the minute you light the tree, it all just "falls into place"....great photos..so nice to meet you!
9:52 PM
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