Thursday, November 09, 2006

Happy birthday Corinne!

Today is my friend Corinne's birthday, so happy birthday to you lady!!
Hope you have a great day and get spoiled terribly!! You have to be a little patient for my present... (until next weekend :)) but I made you this LO. A freestyle LO for our own freestyle diva! Hope you like it!

Journaling sais:
Hangin' out with you is always fun!
Your personality is just like your LO's:
spontanious, joyful, happy, bright, colorful,
busy, playful, free, loud, striking and
sometimes you go a little over the top and
someone has to tell you to take a break!
Heehee! When you're around we can be sure
we'll never be bored!
Happy birthday lady! Wish you lots of
happiness and joy for the coming year!

(btw. I used black felt lace on top here, and no Corinne... I'm not gonna tell you where I got it (yet) just be patient!)

Have a great day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love this birgit, gorgeous doodling and the felt is yummie!!!

1:51 AM

Blogger jana said...

wow! this is awesome, i love it!

2:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow cool LO you made Birgit. I really love all the colors, it's so Corinne!

2:26 AM

Blogger Christiane said...

sooo cool birgit!! love it!! i uploaded my one too!

2:26 AM

Blogger corinne5 said...

WOWOWOWOWOWOWWOW! wat een super gave lo birgit! helemaal te gek! en wie is hier nu de freestyle diva!?!


4:50 AM

Blogger Julie Ann Shahin said...

Really really cool layout!

5:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

love it and i am with anita -- need to know where to get the felt :-)

10:13 AM

Blogger Brigitta said...

Birgit, you're turning into a freestyle diva yourself lately!!! And you've got to tell me about the lace next week!!! that is soooo beautiful.


2:12 PM

Blogger Lilian Schneider said...

Wow! I love the lace!!!
Great lo for Corinne!

2:23 PM

Blogger D@nielle said...

love your lo and yes you captured her in your journaling ;-) I have the lace too, can't stop buying it when I see it haha

2:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know where you got it :) Got some cool of my own :) hahaha. And the lo is gorgeous!!

7:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

superbe page bravo. Christie

8:51 AM

Blogger Nicole said...

Weer een geweldige LO, het idee erachter is ook super, om iets te maken voor een ander...

gr Nicole

9:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, I've found the felt too....
Your layout is great, as ever!

11:29 AM


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