Yesterday Marlijn brought a girlfriend home from school to play. Their favorite thing to do lately is to dress up like princesses. Marlijn has several princess dresses, she's always loved to dress up. She's a real girly girl for that matter :) and once she has her dress on it stays on for the rest of the day so I've been out doing the groceries with a princess by my side more than once :)
There are always people telling her how beautiful she looks and than her whole face starts to shine and her eyes sparkle and I love that!!
It's pretty clear that she loves the attention, I bet she's going to be an actrice when she grows up!

Marlijn and her girlfriend Lieke.

Finished another LO yesterday.
I found some baby pictures of Marlijn from 4,5 years ago. She was only 9 month then. Since I wasn't scrapbooking yet back then I'd never used them. So I wanted to make a baby page but I wanted it to be funky. No pale and soft pink for my girl, she's got way to much attitude for that LOL!
So this is what I came up with and I'm quit pleased with the result:

The weekend of May 23-25 I will be teaching workshops at Tiny's Hobby in Kortrijk, Belgium.
Two evening workshops on friday and saturday and a day workshop on saterday. Also I will be demonstrating in the store on sunday.
The next couple of days I will be working on the workshop examples and I will show some sneak peeks as soon as I'm ready. For more information, prices and details you can visit/contact Tiny's Hobby here.
Hey, it's weekend!
Have a great one!!
OMGosh... they are adorable!!!
Ummmmmmmm... girl you kill me with your scrapbooking, freakin' GORGEOUS!
8:42 AM
Wonderful layouts Birgit and look at Marlijn; she was already a Diva before her 1st bday :)
9:48 AM
De layout springt van het beeldscherm, prachtig!
3:57 PM
hehehe!! i'm doing my homework beside little ninjas!! ;)
love this baby page and the flowers in the last post!!
hope your mojo will be back soon!!
11:53 PM
Hoi Birgit, ik heb me al ingeschreven voor de workshop van vrijdagavond bij Tiny's :-)
Ik kijk er naar uit om je terug te zien.
groetjes Isolde
1:10 AM
I love the layout Birgit!!!!
Great colours and design!!!
5:42 AM
Wat zien de meiden er lief uit! Echte prinsesjes!!
En je lo is gaaf, super die kleuren en blingbling!!
10:12 AM
O my look at those eyes! It is so adorable.
I love your pages Birgit and the lost of your mojo.... well it DID result in some pretty nice pages girl!
10:41 AM
Ik zou dolgraag een keer een workshop van je volgen, maar Kortrijk is me toch echt te ver weg. Kom je toevallig ook een keer in het zuiden van ons land?
1:12 PM
Hoi Birgit, ik lees al een tijdje met veel plezier je blog. Met welk programma heb je die foto-mozaïk gemaakt.
11:59 PM
i'm liking the "flames" and swirls, another good job.... Ps... thanks for visiting my blog.
10:25 PM
Een mooie stoere baby-layout!
3:10 AM
Beautiful layout!
12:42 PM
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