A nice and quiet weekend
Yesterday morning Erik, Marlijn and me went to see Lennart play soccer.
Viboa D2 (Lennart's team) against GVAV D5. Lennart scored a great goal, but although Viboa was ahead the first half of the game it ended 3-3. Well at least they didn't loose :)
After the game I did some groceries and the laundry and after lunch I took Marlijn to the drugstore to get her some nailpolish. She really wanted me to polish her nails since she saw Anne doing her's last week. I didn't really like to use Anne's red color for Marlijn though, so we went out and bought some nice pink and as you can see Marlijn is very happy with the result :)
In the afternoon we read some books and played some games.
Anne went shopping with a girlfriend in Groningen and came home with a new summer jacket. I'm giving her a clothing allowance since last month and she's quite excited about it. I'm very curious to see how she's gonna handle it!
In the evening she went away again for a sleep over party at a friends house.
When I was reading all my fav blogs last night I came along Mariska's and found out she gave me the "You make my day award". Which, of course, made my day :) Thanks so much Mariska, that's so sweet of you!
So, now I'm passing it on to Anita, well actually to Willis, Anita's adorable dog who made me laugh out loud today when I saw his picture (which was of course taken by his lady boss :)).

This morning Erik and Lennart left for the HISWA in Amsterdam. It's a big boat show where you can see everyhting that's new regarding boats. They took one of Lennarts friends along. Erik just mailed me this picture with his cell phone and I'm sure they're having a wonderful day! I don't expect them home until 8.
Anne wasn't going to get home until noon today so Marlijn and I went up to my scraproom to be a little creative.
Marlijn decorated some eggs for Easter, colored some pictures and played a few educative games on the computer while I was making some cards. She loves to "work" with me in my scraproom and I really enjoy having her around too! She's very creative and loves using my scrap supplies, my markers and paint.
When Anne came home she wasn't really feeling very well. She was very tired and feeling sick. She said she didn't eat anything of the candy, chips and cake at the party because she was feeling sick already last night. She went to bed shortly after she got home. I hope she's not getting ill!
Marlijn and I spend the afternoon doing nothing... playing, reading, watching t.v.
While I was making the mosaïcs on my laptop Marlijn read me a story (yep, she's learned herself to read in the last 2 month, it's amazing! In stead of me reading Jip & Janneke to her in the evening when she goes to bed it's the other way around and she is reading it to me!)
Now dinner is in the oven (pizza, we're taking it easy :)) and Marlijn is watching Dora.
Outside it's cold and rainy but in here it's cozy and warm.
I love lazy sunday afternoons like this and I feel like we don't have them enough....
So I will remember this one... probably even scrap it :)
Hope you had a wonderful weekend too!!
lots of easterbunny coloring and Dora today too.. Love the pics and the cards are adorable!
12:16 PM
Every girl deserves soem great nailpolish! ;-)
While looking at those soccer pictures, I try to realize that It won't take long till I'll be standing beside the field weekly..cheering for my son.
2:29 PM
wat een heerlijk ontspannend weekend. En zo te zien aan de kaarten ben je je scrap blog wel kwijt.
2:33 PM
Die cirkels op jouw kaarten zijn inderdaad leuk gedaan met een yoghurtbekertje, krijg je een beetje een dubbele rand. Volgende keer ga ik mijn yoghurtbekertje ook bewaren ;-)).
5:01 AM
wow!! this sounds great!! love such days so much too!!
have a nice week!!
8:55 AM
thanks for the sweet comment on my newest layout. i'm loving the photos you've taken recently, especially the nailpolish ones. great color in them and i'm dying to see how you scrap them.
those little cards you made are adorable as well. happy monday!!
9:41 AM
mooie foto's van de familie!! lekker weer scrapmateriaal!
trouwens je kaartjes zijn echt leuk, vind birthday heel erg gaaf! enne dankje voor je bbtje op mijn log!! *bloos*
9:46 AM
Ooww... you've been busy girl!!!!! Love all of these pics.. And the cards are so cute and perfect! It's so much fun to make cards huh!! I'm getting more and more addicted too.. (and it feels so good to do something with this pile of scraps.. hehe.. ) XOXO
2:46 PM
That sounds like a great weekend!! Love the cards you've made and all the pictures!!
4:07 PM
Je kaartjes zijn prachtig en zo'n rustig weekend is er een met een gouden randje.
4:23 AM
Wow, what a great weekend. Just do nothing and taking time to do things with your kids. Love your little girl nails! They're so sweet. And the eggs she painted are adorable. I can imagine she loves to play in your scrappy room. I would too.. :)
have a great week and hope your other daughter does feel better again.
Love, es
11:04 AM
I just want to say you're a great artist! And I love your work!
11:25 PM
Ik lees altijd met veel plezier je blog. Leuke dingen maak je.
Wat ik wilde vragen is met welk programma heb je die foto's bij elkaar opgezet??
Gr. Nancy
5:47 AM
such gorgeous photos- yummie!
10:24 AM
He Birgit
I love all of your cards and those pics! too cool and great work!
11:35 AM
Love these cardssssss, there are so beautifullllllllll, and your pics are great!!! Do you did Lo's of soccer?? My baby loves soccer and I must to do some lo's hehehehe Besos desde México Birgit!!!
11:48 AM
Mooie foto's :) xoxo eef
1:56 PM
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