Looks like blogger is able to upload images again so first thing I want to share are my favorite pictures of my DD Anne's photoshoot at Anita's.
I think she's gorgeous (but that's because I'm her mom, she says!) She thinks her nose is to big, her hair looks terrible, her eye brows have the wrong shape... Can you believe that? Ah well, guess that's normal for a 13 year old girl, right?

Something else I like to share are 2 more LO's that where in the september issue of SAZ:
The first one was for an article about XL-pictures. I printed the picture on a piece of 11x8,5" cardstock and used it as my picture and background at the same time. Journaling is written in a "white" spot on the picture and says:
Why do I always have to listen to you, why am I allergic to colorants, why do we always take Lennart’s road, why does Anne have a rabbit and I don’t, why don’t we go to Duinrell twice, why does Anne’s room have a balcony and mine not, why is Lennart driving his bike so fast, why do ambulances excist, why don’t we get a baby, why can I go to school only once on the green day, why isn’t it Anne’s bedtime yet? Why?
The second one was for an article on non-traditional shaped LO's.
The heart was cut from a black piece of cardstock and then I cut vertical stripes with a centimeter in between and wove ribbon and pieces of fabric from the left to the right.
And I have a toot!! Scrapbook Trends Magazine requested 3 of my LO's and one of them is being considered as a cover LO! Yay! How cool is that?!
Anyone interested in a Secret Santa Swap??? Join the fun! See my last post!
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Labels: photo shoots, saz, toot
Wat een geweldige foto's van je dochter, ik voel een paar leuke LO's aankomen...!
En het gevlochten hart is helemaal super!!
8:08 AM
Anne ziet er geweldig uit zeg, echt een prachtmeid!!!!
Gave layouts, wat een werk met het vlechten van het hart! Vind ze beide erg mooi :)
Fijn weekend!!!
8:33 AM
Yaye for secret santa *gg*
And even more yaye for the RAK! *lol* Must have overread it! How great!!! :) Especially, because I really, really love that blog, too :) I couldn't find your email-addy so here's my adress anyway *gg*
Sandra Jahn, Mühlbachgasse 7
3100 St. Pölten, Austria
Can't believe you chose my inspiration *gg*
Have a great weekend, too!
Hugs, Sandra
9:34 AM
gorgeous photos of your daughter!
Totally loved oyur layouts!!!
9:43 AM
The pics are beautiful. The LO's are great again. Have a great weekend. Love, es
10:38 AM
I think Anne is gorgeous and should be a model. That last pic WOW ! Love your projects can't wait to sit next to you ;)
10:38 AM
love your heartshaped layout - fantastic!
10:50 AM
as i said before: huge congrats on your toot!! sooo great!! and your daughter looks like her mother!! she will be a beauty!!
and what an awesome work for our magazine!! well done!! have good one too! :))
11:38 AM
wat een prachtige foto's zeg!
Daar zul je vast wat mooie lo's mee vullen!
De lo's zijn ook erg gaaf! Leuk hoe je die vilten bloemen hebt gebruikt. En wat een werk zeg met dat hart. Wel een erg leuk idee!
1:01 PM
wow your girl is gorgeous birgit, those eyes!! And yeah for the ST toot!!! cool, cover girl! and the ribbon in the heart. you. are. a. genius!
1:52 PM
Wow... those pictures of Anne rock big time! She's gorgeous!
And I love what you did with the heart. Very cool idea!
I would love to join the Secret Santa Swap, but I will leave a comment in that post too... ;)
Have a nice weekend!
3:40 PM
Hahahaha, ze is niet alleen mooi omdat jij dat als moeder zegt maar ook omdat ze dochter van een mooie moeder is ;) Anne, je bent gewoon een beauty en geniet daar maar van! De layouts zijn super en die journaling is zo raak! Dat vraagt om een scraplift ;)
Geweldig dat jouw layouts zijn gekozen: GEFELICITEERD!!!!
2:19 AM
Prachtig Birgit. Je hebt jezelf weer overtroffen )voor zover dat nog kan) De foto´s zijn meer dan geweldig en van harte gefeliciteerd met je welverdiende publicaties!!
2:49 AM
Wow, Birgit really love your LO's and your daughter is a real beauty, no doubt about that.
I like to join the secret santa swap (last year was fun!)
6:36 AM
Oooooowie....... die foto's van je dochter zijn toch helemaal te gek! Geweldig zeg!! (wordt nog erger als ze 16 zijn.......:-((
Die LO WHY....super, hart..... awesome!!!!! En geweldig dat je ws. een LO op de cover krijgt joh, gefeliciteerd!!
7:09 AM
It won't help but I think she is very very pretty and her eyes are to die for :) Congrats on your chosen layouts and the heart is amazing.
11:46 AM
Geweldig dat hart met die lintjes.... ben er helemaal weg van!!
12:09 PM
Wooww.. love these pics of your beautiful daughter!!!!!! Love your gorgeous creative layouts! And YAY on your toot! That's amazing.. especially the cover one!! WOOHOO! SO happy for you! Thanks for the inspiration.. over and over again! XOXO
1:22 PM
Je dochter is een echt fotomodel!!
2:46 AM
Oh..tell that daughter she is being silly...she is BEAUTIFUL. I love that last picture. She looks just like you.
1:12 AM
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