We have a winner!
First of all I want to thank you for taking the time and the effort to vote! So nice to see so many people commenting!
Well, the outcome is very clear! With far most votes the winner of this challenge is Anniek Bebingh with her LO "I love this chick".

And I can understand why! The colors are eyecatching, the subject is funny, the whole LO is just great! So Anniek congratulations!! Please e-mail me your addy so I can send you the RAK!
I hope a lot of you will join in the new challenge for september! For details see my last post. Can't wait to see what creative ideas you come up with!! :)
Something totaly different;
A little while ago Erik saw an aerial photograph of our neighbourhood in the lobby of an apartment building in our street. He thought it would be nice to have a copy of that picture in his office so he asked a resident if she new who made the picture. She came up with a website url. When I checked this website I was very pleasantly surprised!! I expected more aerial pictures, maybe some landscapes... but what I found was art! Wow, this man makes just gorgeous pictures, I totaly love them! So I thought I'd share this with you. His name is Roelof Bos and his website addy is http://www.roelofbos.com. Have a look, you'll be impressed!
And this is the photograph of our neighbourhood. The house in the circle is ours. It's funny, because untill I saw this picture I didn't realize that we are living on a little island!

Something else I want to share is this drawing my DD Marlijn made for me yesterday.

The big person is me (can you tell by the curls, haha), the little one is she, LOL!
If I only had hands like those I'm sure I'd got a lot more done in a day than I do now.
Makes you wonder tho how my little girl sees me... :)
Finally I leave you with another sneak peek from the GetInspired! kit. I really, really love this kit! You'd better make sure you don't miss it! It's released coming saturday at De Creatie!

Thanks again for stopping by!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Labels: aerial, sneak peeks, voor mama, winner september challenge
Wow, can't believe I won! First time ever, with a scraplayout that is! I want to thank everyone that voted in my favour.
3:21 AM
Congratulations Anniek, your chicken looks great!
And Birgit, your sneak looks great too!.
6:45 AM
Jij woont echt op een schitterende plaats, zeg!
Ben heel erg benieuwd naar de nieuwe kit van de Creatie.
groetjes Isolde
9:00 AM
Anniek,congratulations!!! Your Layout really rocks!!
9:21 AM
Ik denk dat die handen je creativiteit symboliseren :) :) :)
en ze heeft zoooo gelijk, super tekening
9:45 AM
congrats Anniek!! Birgit, you're neighborhood and your house is sooo cool! wow! your sneak looks beautiful, cannot wait to see the real stuff!! :)
10:12 AM
Congrats to Anniek!! So well deserved, i think it is a perfect layout, love the colors, the humour, everything!! Also wanna thank the people who voted for my no. 5 ;)
The drawing from your daughter is so precious! Big arms give big hugs! Your sneakpeek looks great, i shall check it out saturday!
12:18 PM
congrats anniek!!
i love to see were you live, birgit!! it looks soo cozy!!
and a yummie sneak as ever!! ;))
1:15 PM
WOW he's an amazing photographer. His pictures are SO interesting...
Bwahaha, You look gorgeous in the drawing LOL... You have a talented little girl ;)
2:35 PM
Love your work! And that chick LO really rocks :)
3:30 PM
Wow, you are so right, that guy is amazing, great photography!!
Your sneaky looks great....can't wait to see the whole LO!
4:23 PM
Een wel verdiende winaar, gefeliciteerd Anniek! Geweldige tekening van Marlijn zeg! Volgens mij wordt ze zeker net zo creatief als haar moeder....
Ja, we wonen in een prachtig dorp Birgit, maar dat wisten we al hé ;) nog even en dan moet deze fotograaf een nieuwe foto maken want dan staat ons huis er ook op. Wordt de foto nog mooier van LOL. Prachtige website!!! Groetjes Anette
12:10 AM
Congrats Anniek with you gorgeous layout.
Woh Marlijn is a little artist that's for sure.
I enjoyed the pictures of the photographer. TFS
BTW you live in a beautiful area.
2:25 AM
What a beautiful place to live and the sneak peek looks super!!!CAn't almost wait till saturday...
gr Nicole
4:15 AM
LOL that drawing is perfect!Luving all the fingers,kids are so funny :)
5:41 AM
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