The winner of the may sketch challenge is..
Joke Bach Kolling!
Congratulations Joke! I think this LO pops out with the fresh colors and the clear and crisp photographs, also love the depth you created in the title and the big flowers. You used the sketch but really made it your own. Great job!!
The rest of all the beautiful LO's you can see here in the slide show:
Thanks everybody for participating, I really enjoyed seeing all your great LO's. Seems to me that a sketch challenge is one of the favourite kinds of challenges and therefore I will try to do a sketch challenge every month. So if you like that make sure to check in every now and then to see what the new challenge is!
And now about yesterday... what a wonderful day we had and what a beautiful country we live in!
The day started with coffee and Frysian "Oranjekoek" (traditional cake) in the restaurant at Galamadammen in Koudum. Then we got on board of one of the 4 ships and even before we left we got a "berenburg" (a traditional alcoholic drink with herbs, very strong!) (Gosh, before it was 11.00 a.m. we had had our first 2 drinks...) and after a special ritual to drink it we left to sail over the Ijsselmeer to Workum, which took us about 4 hours. We had a terrific lunch on board. The weather was not sunny unfortunatly, a little grey and cold, but it didn't rain, so we don't complain. The water was a little rough sometimes which made the waves go over the ship a few times and that made it really fun. On board was one real skipper, who kept an eye on everyting going right, but all the work had to be done by the guests. Erik had the pleasure of being the first mate (stuurman) for a big part of the trip and het really enjoyed it, even though he got really cold hands and he said navigating such a big ship is really difficult, he did a great job!
When we arrived in Workum they too us to the cafe and we where treated on drinks and "bitterballen" (a dutch warm snack with meat inside) and then we got tickets to visit the Jopie Huisman museum (a famous dutch painter).
The way back went over a few smaller lakes and when we arrived we were awaited with as much hering as we could eat and more :) hmmmm, I know that not dutch people think it's gros because it is raw fish but I realy like it. After that we had a delicious BBQ and buffet, the sun came out a little so we had dinner outside. The day ended at about 8.00 p.m. when everybody went home. We had a great time and looking forward to the next!!
Here some shots, I took loads :) To see some more you can visit my photoblog!

Today Marlijn's teachers were celebrating their birthdays and Marlijn went to school all dressed up! She wnated to be a little elf and this is the result! Isn't she adorable?!

Labels: little elf, sailing, winner may sketch
Hee Joke, Huge congrats to you!!A gorgeous layout!!!
And there were so many beautiful entries!! Great work everyone :)
Marlijn is a beautiful elf!Looks like you had a wonderful day at the lakes.
Gr Jeanet
8:36 AM
Joke, van harte gefeliciteerd!
Ik kan de andere LO's niet bekijken,het blijft bij mij wit... Wat moet ik doen?
Groetjes Boukje.
10:00 AM
Congrats with this beautiful LO Joke, awesome bright colors.
Just like Jeanet said there were lots of nice pages. Great job everyone.
Nice pictures of your day out and Marlijn is just a cute little lady.
10:59 AM
Cogratz Joke, it is a gorgeous page with beautiful colors! I love the other pictures Birgit and Merlijn is lovely! :)
11:29 AM
Van harte Joke met je prachtige Lo. Ook de andere LO's mogen er zijn. Leuk om weer mee te doen. Aan de foto's te zien hebben jullie een prachtige dag gehad. En wat een schattig elfje fladdert er bij jullie rond zeg!
Groetjes Anette
11:43 AM
Congratulations Joke!!
What a wonderful day you had, Birgit.
11:53 AM
congrats Joke!Cute pictures again Birgit!
11:59 AM
wonderful layouts- congratulations JOke - love your layout!!!
Wonderful time you had and I love your cutie in the elf-custome!!!
1:16 PM
WOW, ik kan gewoon niet geloven dat ik heb gewonnen. Leuk zeg! Ik vind m'n werk namelijk meestal niet zo byzonder vergeleken bij anderen. Bedankt allemaal voor jullie spontane felicitaties en ik heb zeker ook genoten van jullie layouts.
Groeten Joke
2:59 PM
Congrats, Joke. You made a great page. I like the other entries too. What a nice pictures, Birgit. You sure had a nice day. And what a gorgeous pictures of your little elf. She is beautiful.
11:03 PM
Marlijn look so cute in that dress. It's perfect for scrapping. I loved all the pages that people made for the contest. How funny that I always recognize Kelly's style.
See you, Isolde
2:32 AM
Een zeer terechte winnares! Gefeliciteerd Joke!
Die Merlijn is echt een schatje Birgit!
@Boukje: volgens mij heb je ook al een keer op mijn blog gereageerd... ik heb helaas geen gegevens van je, zodat ik je een berichtje terug kan sturen. :(
2:25 PM
Gewedlig weer Birgit!
6:27 AM
congrats!! that lo is soo beautiful!!
yes, and a hering is one of the best fishes!! very lekker!!
how sweet is your little elfe!! she likes posing, he?? :))
have a great weekend!!
9:42 AM
that lo from Joke sure is beautiful! and LOVE your pictures again :)
2:24 PM
bit late, but still... Joke, congratulations, I think your LO is abfab.
And Marlijn is Cute with a capital CCCCC
11:41 PM
Congrats to Joke! Great entries ladies! The sailing sounded like fun Birgit! Did the teachers like Marlijns home-made gift for them?
12:22 PM
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