Someone had a problem with my lazyness...
OK, a lot of people noticed that I'm a lazy blogger and Revlie decided to tell me so and do something about it. She tagged me. I have to pick someone and write 5 things about him or her.
So I will tell you something about my friend Anita:
1. She's english, married to a dutch guy, living in the Netherlands
2. She's english so she doesn't ask me what we have for dinner tonight but what we have for tea...
3. She's english, wich means she needs a complete floor for her own while staying the night in a youth hotel because she refuses to share bathrooms with men...
4. She's english and a great great scrapper!
5. She's english so she can help me translate the texts for my LO :)
So, she is english and I'm happy to call her my friend!
Well, Revlie, you got it done. I'm actually updating my blog. I have to thank you. I know I should do it more often.
And while I'm at it anyway it is a good time to share some of my latest LO's:

This LO I made on our Scrap-Club DT-crop last saturday. We (Anita, Corinne, Adriana, Monique and me) came together at Anita's house and had a whole day of fun and cropping and delicious food (made by Anita).
I wanted this LO to be just a little "freestyle", loosen up a little . It's just so scary, actually it frightens me... writing and doodling directly on my LO. But Corinne confinced me I could do it. You just have to DO it, she said and so I did. Even though this LO took me a whole day to finish *LOL*. If you consider my normal style this could be called pretty freestyle don't you think? So thanks Corinne.
And once I started I couldn't let go of the "freestyle-feeling" and the next LO I mad was this one:
Even more doodling! I wasn't sure at first about the big flower on a boys LO but I'm very pleased with the result now it's finished. This are my 2 nephews Daan and Tim.

The next 2 are from a little while ago:

This is the view from my window in winter. It's great isn't it?
When we move house my view won't be that beautiful anymore... One of the few things I will miss.
Journaling reads:
I love this view from my window.
I love the emptiness and the stateliness.
Especially when everything is white.
I know this is one of the things
I will be missing when we move house!

Sweet Marlijn a little while ago when she was sick.
I think my kids are the most adorable creatures in this world when they're sick. Nothing serious just some flu or something. They look so sweet with their rosy cheeks and red lips, sleeping the whole day. And then, when they wake up they sooo NEED their mommy for a hug and a kiss. I love to hold their warm body and read them stories. Oh, I have to admit... I enjoy being a mom when my kids are sick! How terrible is that *LOL*
Hope my next entry will be a little bit sooner!