Sunday, April 27, 2008

Today some sneak peeks of the workshops I'll be teaching in Kortrijk and Destelbergen, Belgium on may 23-25:
The first one is of the evening class on friday and saturday, the other 2 are from the day workshop on saturday. I will be doing demonstrations on sunday:
A LO with some cool techniques based on a sketch
A Memory board to hang on the wall including a mini-album with lots of foto's.
On may 12th I will be demonstrating at Kars. There will be a preview with the new products Kars will be stocking and I'll be demonstrating the new Prima! Yay! :)
Such gorgeous stuff! Here's a little sneak peek:

And this is the awesome RAK you can win with the journaling challenge on The Buzz Blog!
Enjoy your sunday!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Regarding Buzz Bookings!!!

Het schijnt dat we een klein probleempje hebben met ons online boekingssysteem. Heb je je aangemeld voor één van onze aankomende workshops, wil je ons dan alsjeblieft een e-mail sturen om de aanmelding te bevestigen en hierbij ook doorgeven met hoeveel personen je van plan bent te komen?!

Onze excuses voor het ongemak maar we willen jullie graag verzekeren van een plaats bij de workshop van je keuze!

We are having some small problems with our online booking system. If you have booked a place on one of our upcoming workshops, could you please send us an email at confirming the workshop you booked and number of people.Sorry for any inconvenience this causes but we would like to assure you that you will get a place on any workshops you have booked.

Let op: Je kunt je nog tot 30 april aanmelden voor de workshop van 17 mei a.s.
Note: you can only sign up for the may 17th workshop until April 30.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring in Holland!

Today was such a lovely day, I just had to go out and make some pictures! Seems like spring is finally here! :) and I love it!!!

Both Petra and Aline gave me the Arte Y Pico award which made me feel very honored and happy!! Thanks so much girls, you totally made my day (even though it's a little while agao already, blogging obviously isn't on my priority list right now... but will be again... some day... soon :D)
I have to pass this on to five other bloggers that, I think, deserve this award for their creativity, design or what else and no matter what their language is.
- Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to her/his blog to be visited by everyone.
- Each award winner has to show the image of the award and put the name and blog link of the person that has given you the award.
- Award winner and the person that has given the award have to show the link of Arte Y Pico blog for everyone to know the origin of this award.
- Last but not least show these rules.
I had a very hard time choosing only 5 but I'm passing it on to these 5 girls who always inspire me in one or another way:
That's it for now! Try to be a better girl regarding blogging :).... but I can't promiss...
So if I haven't left any messages on your blog lately, it's nothing personal! Really!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

There's a new challenge up on The Buzz Blog. Get inspired and have the chance of winning a great prize package! Click here!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Boek nu! / Book now!
2 workshops in 1 day! The hottest scrapbooking products at the moment are chipboard and transparencies. Join us in creating a mini book and a collection of embellishments that incorperate both these elements.
2 workshops op 1 dag!De populairste scrapbookmaterialen op het moment zijn chipboard en transparanten. Tijdens deze workshop maken we een minialbum en een collectie embellishments waarin deze beide worden verenigd.
Price / Prijs : 67.50 euros
Location / Plaats : Winsum
Lunch & Drinks included / Inclusief Lunch & Drankjes

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's tuesday again already.. more then a week has gone by without blogging, pffff...
We spend the weeked in Wijchen to celebrate my MIL's birthday and had a lovely time.

On friday I went over to Heesch to discuss some projects for CmF's August issue. Gosh... August, that's the middle of summer! Right now it's only 4*C and raining here :(
Soooo looking forward to summer!!

Lennart got sick this weekend and is still not going to school. Coughing, a fever and a sore throat.. poor guy, hope he feels better soon!

Nothing to show right now :(
...But please check out The Buzz Blog!
We have big plans for this blog...and that includes free (yes free!!!) mini workshops!
The first one is up! And we'll be starting a new challenge this week with a chance of winning a great prize package, so don't miss it! :)

Enjoy your day!

Monday, April 07, 2008

It makes me happy to create

LOVED the "messy" scrapping I did on saturday so I had another play with paint yesterday!
Tried that cool technique Nat showed on her blog a couple of days ago. She is such an inspiration with all her cool, fun techniques!!! If you don't know her (hmmm, don't think that's possible, everybody knows Nat!) but if you don't, you really should check her out! :)
So I mixed a few colors of acrylic paint on a piece of transparant film, put a piece of cardstock on top of it and rubbed it. Tried it a few times and when I was done I had some pieces of cardstock wit a fun print but I also had this piece of plastic with the left paint. And that one I liked most of all! Si I decided to cut it out and just staple it on my cardstock to use as a background.
And again no patterned paper, just some Hambly.

Text around the circle sais: Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun - Mary Lou Cook.

Text on the picture (yes, a little bit of Hybrid scrapping too, LOL) sais: There is only 3 colors, 10 digits and 7 notes; it's what we do with them that's important - Jim Rohn

It's monday... a week full of possibilities to create lies ahead! Have a great one!!


Saturday, April 05, 2008

Out of my comfort zone...

I stepped totally out of my comfort zone today… twice! And girls, did I have fun!!
This morning I felt like just playing around a little with some paint and bubble wrap (yep, the big pink circles are made with mega bubble wrap), stamps, painting tape and rubons.
I challenged myself to make a LO without using ANY patterned paper, which I can’t remember to have ever done before. That was one!
My pictures are always my starting point. A LO is build around the pictures and starts with choosing the right paper with the picture(s) I want to scrap.
Today I started a LO without having any idea of which picture I was going to use. That was two!
I thought I’d just start playing and see where the process brings me… maybe the whole painting and taping thing wasn’t going to work out at all anyway.
But while I was at it I loved what was happening on my paper more and more and when I was almost ready with my background I knew exactly which picture had to go with it.
This is one of many, many pictures my DD Anne and her girlfriends take whenever they have the chance. They use a little camera or just their cell phone and post them on hyves and messenger.
The rather bad quality of the pictures, the angle and the way the girls photoshop them in black and white often give them an artsy feel which I totally love!
I thought this picture was made for this background or vice versa!
Anne loves this LO (and that’s quite rare, especially since she’s in there :) and so do I! Hehe… feel a little bit like an artist… and feel a lot like trying more of this tomorrow!

A little bit of (dutch) journaling is on a tag underneath the picture and sais so much as:
How delightful it is to be a teenager!
To not worry about time or about who might be waiting for you…
To just go to the H&M on a busy Saturday afternoon and hold a dressing room for an hour to take pictures of yourself and each other…
Anne and Rosanne, January 2008

Enjoy your Sunday!
P.s. the idea of using the tape “folded” like this was inspired by a LO Heidi made.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Just want to share some LO's today...
The first one is about my son Lennart (right) and his 2 best friends.
It was about time I made a LO about him again. Except for the 7 I did over Easter weekend (which I can't show yet...) I haven't done any boys pages in ages!
I don't know what it is but girls pages seem so much easier. I guess I miss the flowers when doing boys pages or maybe I just don't see the fun boy embellishements while shopping because I'm to focussed on the ribbon, flowers and pink girly colors...
Anyway, I had fun creating this page and I'm really pleased with the result! Promissed myself to do more male LO's!

The second LO I made a couple of months ago, just before I turned 40. Journaling sais "I'm almost 40 and live has never been better!" and I still feel that way!! :) It was my first attempt on Prima paintables (love them!) and published in CmF.

Photo taken by Anita Mundt
That's it for now!
Have a great day!!