A little update...
It's about time I update my blog a little, so let me tell you a few things about my life at the moment.
I packed a few boxes for the move, things we don't need untill we live in the new house. Things like board games that Anne and Lennart don't play anymore and Marlijn is still to little to play yet, books, large boxes of photo negatives a.s.o.
Yesterday I cleaned out the kitchen and everything that remained in the clossets is actually going to be moved. Everything else is in boxes waiting for whoever wants it...
Last thirsday I did a workshop "book in a box" and I think it was a succes! I'll be doing another one coming friday and next tuesday. Tomorrow two crops and next week a girls birthday party. Six 12 and 13 year old girls, with who I will make a flip flop mini album... and then it's vacation!

For Anne this is the last week on this school. Yesterday evening the class performed the "goodbye-musical". It was great, we really enjoyed it. Friday there will be a goodbye party for the parents. We got an invitation saying that we will have a buffet made by the students. So our kids are going to cook for us, isn't that great?!

We also had some sad new last weekend. One of Lennarts parakeets died. He was soooo sad! I just hope the other one won't die too. They both should have been flying for a week now and they both didn't. We don't know why. The one that's left is now in a cage in Lennarts room and he is trying to learn to fly very hard. I really hope he makes it!
Finally I have some LO's to share. It's been a while...
The first three are made using the beuatiful july kit of Scrap-club.com

My DD eating her favourite french food, crepes, in Paris. She never gets enough of them :)

One of my favourite mudwalking pictures.
Journaling says:
What should I say? Should I talk about the smell that lasts for 2 days?
Should I talk about the clothes that can never be worn again?
Or should I just talk about the major fun, laugther and joy and the smiles on the faces of a bunch of happy kids?

My nephew Twan playing peek-a-boo under the picknick table.
The last one is about a little conversation I had with Anne on the day she turned twelve:
Journaling is in dutch:
Nog niet zo lang geleden zei je tegen mij
dat je er niks aan vond om twaalf te worden.
"Dat is een stomme leeftijd" zei je.
"Ik ben liever elf of dertien".
Toen ik vroeg waarom je dat vond
zei je"Gewoon, daarom!"
Op je verjaardag vroeg ik hoe het nu voelde
om zo'n stomme leeftijd te hebben en jij
antwoordde"mmmwwhaaaa, ik vind het niet zo'n stomme leeftijd meer..."
En toen ik vroeg hoe dat nu weer kwam was het antwoord:
"Ach, al mijn leeftijdgenootjes zijn twaalf..."
In english:
Not so long ago you told me you didn't want to be twelve.
"That's a stupid age" you said. "I'd rather be eleven or thirteen."
When I asked you why you said: "Just because!"
On your birthday I asked you how it felt being such a stupid age
and you said: "mmwwwhaa, I don't think it's such a stupid age anymore."
When I asked you how come the answer was:"Ah well, all the kids my age are twelve..."
Isn't it too funny how kids think?!

That's it for now, TFL!