I was tagged!
I was tagged by my friend Karen Carter with this quiz. I've never been tagged before so I think this is fun!
The rules for this particular tagging are as follows:
Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.
1. Deanna
2. Ruth
3. Peg
4. Karen
5. Birgit
Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to.
1. Anita
2. Corine
3. Cari
4. Wendy
5. Revlie
Now, on to the questions!
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago I was a young 28 year ol SAHM with one 18 months old todler and a 1 months old baby. I had a difficult pregnancy (had to lie down the last ten weeks of the pregnancy) and was still suffering severe pain in my pelvis with everything I did. It was very slowly getting better, but although I was VERY happy with my 2 beautiful children it was not the most happy time of my life...
What were you doing one year ago?
One year ago my kids were 10, 9 and 2. Yes we had a third one and I was very much enjoying having a todler around again. I was still a SAHM but now working from home as a crop-consultant. I started this one year earlier for Kars (a Dutch wholesales company) and it was finally getting to go somewhere. Every now and then I was doing a scrapbooking demonstration in craftshops or at Kars and around that time the second book in the Dutch series Scrapbook&Co. of wich I was a co-writer came out.
We were planning our summer vacation to France and was feeling much better then 9 years before. I was happy one year ago and I still am!!!
Five snacks you enjoy:
Salt potato chips, toast with french cheese, kroket (typical dutch), chocolate, Mexicaantjes (spicy rice chips) with fresh garlic cheese.
Five songs, to which you KNOW all the lyrics:
Terug bij af (Harry Jekkers) Alice (Smokie), Romeo and Juliet (Dire Straits), School (Supertramp), Right next door (Robert Cray Band)
Five things you would do, if you were a millionaire:
Buy a great, big house on a lovely place, get myself the greatest scrap studio, get a cleaning lady to keep this all clean :), show my kids how beautifull Greece is and just keep living the way we do right now!
Five bad habits:
I'm not a very good housewife so, just like Karen, I don’t fold laundry right away, I forget to do things if I don't write them down, I can't say NO, I hardly ever send birthdaycards even though I know how nice it is to get one, if the weather is not great I always take the car in stead of my bike even if I don't have to go far.
Five things you like doing:
Going on vacation to France with my family, eating out, sleeping in, scrapbooking, taking pictures.
Five things you would never wear, buy, or get new again:
A white wedding dress, hot pants, leather pants, fur coat and red lipstick.
Five favorite toys:
My Canon Digital Rebel, computer, my sewing machine (for scrapbooking that is), my Epson printer and my hubby ;)
OK, that was the quiz!
What I also wanted to share is this LO I made yesterday about my oldest DD with Christmas. I hope she will always believe in the magic of Christmas no matter how old she gets! (sorry for the bad picture... it is straight IRL!)
Isn't this BG pp just beautiful?