So far I received 12 wonderful, creative and original LO's for the sketch challenge. Didn't you join yet but would you like to win a nice RAk click here! You can still enter until coming monday!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
I have been working on a few projects for the "Knallende Kars Dagen" coming weekend.
I had to use the K&Co. Brookfield and Dollhouse lines. Here are 2 of the LO's I made with them.
The hearts on the first LO are fastened with staples and then folded a little to give them depth.
For the second one I used my own sketch I made for the challenge. The sketch was made with the third LO in mind wich some of you might recognize. I made that one a while ago.
Maybe these LO's inspire you to take out your scrapping supplies and take a change on the sketch! I hope when I return from Kars on monday my mailbox is filled with gorgeous LO's!
And remember there's not one but two RAK's to win!!
I'm off to crop now! Have a nice evening!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I won..
a little tin at Vanessa's weblog last week. When it came I knew straight away what I was going to use it for. It was black so it would go perfectly with the papers in the scrap-club kit. And this is what I made:

It's only 5,5x11,5cm and really, really cute!!
For now I'm gonna leave you with a quote that might inspire you to do a LO:
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.
--Jawaharlal Nehru
Have a nice evening!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Finally something to show...
The Scrap-club kit is ready to ship so I can post the LO's I made with it now.
It is a lovely Valentines kit but I saw it as my personal challenge to use it for non-valentine subjects. Well I guess you good say that the "I love this girl" LO could be shared under the Valentines category but mot the other 2!
I love the black and white together with the pink!
Journaling says: My adolescent daughter, I love you! Even though you don't think so every time we disagree about something again....
Journaling says: Marlijn loves Christmas! She loves the balls and the lights in the tree. She loves the candy she finds in her advents calendar every day. She loves the story about the "little elf" and "kling-klokje-kling" (a dutch x-mas song). She loves the gifts under the tree and the whole family happy together!
Journaling says: This is my niece Nienke, she's eleven years old and loves scrapbooking! This weekend she's staying with us because she wants to do her lecture in school about scrapbooking. Today we have fun scrapping together and making pictures for her power point presentation. This LO is for her because I love it that she choose this subject for her lecture!
So far scrapbooking... Last weekend we visited my cousin and her family in Germany, near Bielefeld. When we drove down there it started to snow and we hoped so much that it would all be white at the place we were going too. And it was, it looked wonderful. Unfortunatly it was already dark when we arrived so I couldn't take any pictures but Lennart and my nephew Sören went out and made a big snowman. When we woke up the next moring the melting had already begun, such a bummer!!!
But we went out any way and I manage to take some pictures that look like winter :)
I really needed too, you know... I have all these yummy winter goodies and paper lying here to be used :)
On saturday I did a workshop for my cousins' friends. They made a little harmonica book in a box and all loved it! We had a lot of fun! Anne came along and made the book too!
Sunday moring we left after breakfast because Erik and Lennart were going to the "Euroborg" in Groningen to see the match Groningen-Ajax. They had a good time too even though Groningen lost in the last minute. There where 5 goals so excitement enough!!
Finally I just want to remind you that you have still one week left to join in the sketch challenge fun and win a RAK! Click here if you want to know more. Several lovely LO's where mailed to me already but I hope that it will be a lot more :)
Thanks for popping by!
Have a great day!!
Labels: borgholzhausen, february kit
Thursday, January 25, 2007
I was interviewed for

Last week I got an e-mail from a woman called Patri Oliveira. She's a member and writer for a Brazilian scrapsite called It's a great website, I guess you could call it the Brazilian 2Peas, with a gallery, forum, articles, DT, challenges etc. She asked me if she could do an article about ME and my work. Well, isn't that exciting? I can't believe that people at the other side of the world are so interested in my scrapping that they actually want to write and read about me!! But they do!
So of course I agreed and yesterday evening the article went up... and it looks GREAT!!
The people there are so nice and friendly, enthousiastic and helpfull, that even though I don't speak one word portuguees it's a pleasure to visit the site!
If you want to see the article, you have to register on the homepage of Scrapdiary and go to Artigos!
If you're interested in winning a nice RAK see my yesterdays post and take the sketch challenge!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
My little wish came true... and another "RAK-game"!
...we woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. Well, ok... you could still tell that the grass underneath the snow was green :), but snow is snow an it's looked really pretty when I looked outside at 7.10 am. It was still dark and I just hoped it would last at least till it was so light outside that I could take some pictures. And it did!
I was almost sorry I had a crop this morning and I didn't have the oppertunity to take my car and drive into the province to take some pictures. Half way the moring it started snowing again but I think the temperature was over 0*C already then because when the ladies left the white from the trees had already gone. And then the fog came, and it got really cold and wet and not so nice outside. So much for winter already??? Aperently it's going to 8*C on friday again :(
So, unfortunatly no pictures of kids playing in the snow yet.
Lennart came home from school sick at about 10.00 a.m. and didn't go outside for the rest of the day and when Marlijn and Anne came home most of the snow was already gone.
The view from Anne's balcony very early this morning.
The same shot about an hour later.
I realy, realy hope we have lots more snow soon!!!
Well... no more bingo words today, will miss that :)
So I thought about giving away another RAK!
BUT...this time you really have to do something for it!!!
If you want to participate you make a LO using this sketch.
You're free to choose any subject or materials you want to use.
You e-mail me a picture of your LO before the 6th of february, wich means you have almost 12 days to finish it. My good friend Anita Mundt will be the independent judge. She will judge your LO's on creativity, originality and use of product. I won't give her any names untill she's made her decision.
There will be 2 surprizes to give away! I hope you all join the fun!
You can e-mail your LO to
Good luck and have fun!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
a touch of winter
****Edited edited edited edited****
We have a winner!!!!! Susanne is the first to have bingo. I checked her list and it is right!!! Her words are:
2 peas
Congratulations Susanne!!! The kit is coming your way! Have fun with it!
... and for the rest of you... I hope you had fun, even though you didn't win. I know I did! And don't worry I'll probably have something fun coming up soon! So keep stopping by every once in a while!
Finally it seems that we get a little winter here. It's freezing cold but the sun was shining and this morning we even had very little snow, but hee, it was snow :)

I hope we wake up tomorrow to a winter wonderland! I only like winter when we have lots and lots of snow!!!

Finished 2 new LO's but can't show yet :(
Won't be very long though... adn I have to say, I'm quite pleased with them myself :)
Erik has been reading Marlijn a bedtime storie of "Jip&Janneke" where Jip's father is shaving himself and Jip wants to do it too. Jip get's some shaving gel and falls from the stool he's standing on. It's a funny story. So tonight at dinner Erik said to Marlijn that she could shave herself if she wanted too before having a shower. Well, you can probably imagine how her reaction was :)

Isn't she just adorable with way to much gel and a tooth brush as a shaving knife?!

...and let's not forget the words for the bingo, tatatada... are you getting nervous? *LOL*
ink, chipboard, publications, staple
Have a great evening!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Just the bingo words today...
Today no stories, no pictures, no LO's...
I spent most of the day cleaning my house. Not my favourite thing to do but necesary every once in a while.
I made the last picture of Flip today when he left for school this morning with Marlijn on the bike. But I just realized my camera battery is empty so I can't upload...
So today just the bingo words:
Charms, paper, message board, tag
Good luck every one!
Have a nice evening!
Labels: game
Sunday, January 21, 2007
scrap, scrap, scrap...
Anne and my niece Nienke scrapped last night until I send them to bed. They didn't even come down to watch X-factor...
This morning we started at 11.00 and we scrapped until about 3.00 p.m. 'till it was time to bring Nienke home. She lives an hour driving from us and we brought her there and stayed for dinner. We just got home, Marlijn is in bed so time to update a little.
We had fun today! We spend the whole day in my scraproom, didn't even get out for lunch. My sweet DH brought our lunch upstairs :)
Nienke was very creative and finished 2 LO's.
Anne didn't have her day, she finished nothing at all, although she started 3 different projects *LOL*.
I made a LO about Nienke loving to scrap. I gave it to her so she can show it at school and then put it in her album. She loved it! I used the upcoming kit from Scrap-club for it so I can't show the whole LO yet, but here some sneak peeks.

And it was Flips last day at our house. Tomorrow he's going back to school. I guess that's better too, Marlijn was getting a little tired of looking after him. This morning she didn't want to dress him and when I said that he needed to have some clothes on when we would bring Nienke home she said that she decided he was sick today so he could stay in his PJ's, haha...
But at my SIL's house she let Flip play with her and her cousin and he even got some potato chips. But I don't think she will be very sad when he's not coming home tomorrow afternoon :)
OK, let's get some more bingo words, I can't imagine it will take much longer before we have a winner, it's getting exciting!!
Here we go:
social, ribbon, letters, M&M's
Good luck again!
Hope you all have a great week ahead!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
4 more words...
I had a fun day with the workshop! 14 women came to my house to do a workshop about paperbag albums. We made 3 different ones. We started at 10.00 a.m. and stopt at about 4.00 p.m. We had a lot of fun and I think they all went home quite satisfied! Well, I know I was, everything went great!
Marlijn and Flip went to grandma and grandpa for the day and of course they took some pictures of the things they did together too!
And my niece is visiting us for the weekend. She choose to do her lecture-engagement for school about scrapbooking. She's 11 years old and scrapbooking too. Tomorrow we're gonna scrap together and she will film everything from my scraproom and boxes filled with supplies to us working together. I'm sure we'll have fun, but more about that tomorrow!
Today just the words for the bingo:
Scrapbook, font, personal, bookplate
Good luck again and have a wonderful sunday!
Labels: game
Friday, January 19, 2007
A busy day today...
so just a few quick words.
Some pictures of Marlijn and Flip of course!
Marlijn and Flip slept very well and woke up at about 7.45 a.m.
We went shopping today and while we were at it we thought it was a little cold for Flip because he had only this body-warmer on. In the first shop we went the shawls were on sale and Marlijn picked one for Flip in the same color as his shoes. He was sooooo happy with it *LOL*
At the supermarket we had the same ritual as always - regular visitors of my blog know about the slice of meat and the reading in the magazine section of Marlijn - only this time together with Flip. So fun, this weekend will make such a good topic for a nice minibook!
Then we went to order fish for tonight. Marlijn says Flip loves fish, but I think he loves just everything :)
The rest of the day Marlijn played, painted, read, watched t.v. and "scrapped" all with Flip by her side!

The words for today are:
embellish, workshop, bling-bling, photography
Good luck to all of you and have a great saturday!!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
We have a visitor...
a guest who is staying for the weekend. His name is Flip and he's a teddy bear. Flip is a "project" in the Dutch first grades (4-5year olds). One day Flip came to school with a letter from his parents saying that they are working on a crago-boat all over the wolrd and Flip has been with them on the ship until now. But he needs to go to school now and they ask if the kids could take care of him while his parents are working.
During the week Flip stays at school - I guess the kids think their missy is staying and sleeping at school too :) - but in the weekends one of the kids has to look after him.
When Marlijn came home from school for lunch she had Flip thightly in her arms and she was smiling from ear to ear :)
I asked her if they could volunteer for the "job" or if their teacher had picked someone to take Flip but she said: "Noooo! We all had to close our eyes, and when we opened them Flip had drawn this picture of a girl wearing glasses! and that is ME!!!"
This afternoon her teachter told me that when she showed Marlijn the picture her eyes went big and then her whole face turned into one big smile, she's sooo excited about it!
Flip brought a big box with his clothes, from a swimsuit and diapers to shoes, mittens and pyjama's. He also brought a little backpack with his toothbrush and a diary. We're suposed to take pictures and keep a diary this weekend. It's so fun to read what Flip has done so far with the other kids. He's been swimming and sailing, he's been on a boat to Schiermonnikoog and has been riding a bike and a horse. He's been eating icecream and spaggethi and decorating christmas trees and he slept in many, many little childrens beds...
This weekend it's Marlijns turn and I think she gonna take this very serious, she started this afternoon by teaching him how to use the computer *LOL*
I'm sure you'll here more about our little guest in the coming days!
Bed time ritual took a little longer than normally tonight, therefore my late post :)
So and now the words for today! I guess there should be some people coming near now??
I can honestly say I have no idea. I didn't read your lists, don't want to be prejudiced (?)!
So please let me know, how many words do you have so far????
Here they are:
So and now the words for today! I guess there should be some people coming near now??
I can honestly say I have no idea. I didn't read your lists, don't want to be prejudiced (?)!
So please let me know, how many words do you have so far????
Here they are:
2Peas, overlay, camera, stickers
That's it for today!
I'll be back tomorrow! :)